Blundering Blockhead

You miss my point. If you are a small time contractor studio and you’ve already gotten several contracts to work on high profile AAA games from several different studios, then you’ve already “made it” in a sense. You’ve already proven yourself and have a reputation for doing good work by that point. Getting to do your

Except that we aren’t talking about a newbie company. We are talking about veteran devs that have worked with many high profile studios and have connections all over the industry. If the deal falls through with MS it doesn’t mean they are ruined. Deals fall through all the time. A deal falling through doesn’t hurt

It’s more like this:

It should probably be changed to "D&D style RPG" rather than "cRPG", but whatever. Once you know what it means it kinda makes sense.

Older cRPG gamers come from the tabletop pedigree where you are expected to use your imagination to fill the in the details. For some people, this actually makes the game better than having everything explicitly presented.

I think it's funny that you put Hayes McGinley in quotes as if it's an alias or nickname, and then didn't use quotes for "Big" Jim Whitcomb which implies that his actual first name is Big :)

With a vaccine, which dumbasses today no longer support, apparently.

If you really have so much experience in the real world, then you should know the difference in connotation between "fired" and "laid off".

Several other people noticed the same thing. In a manner of speaking the planes were used as giant missiles, essentially. So calling it a bombing, while not technically accurate, isn't completely unfounded either.

Well, in a manner of speaking the planes were used as giant missiles, essentially. So calling it a bombing, while not technically accurate, isn't completely unfounded either. It's a stretch, but I'm not bothered by the wording.

I wouldn't be surprised if blizzard doesn't add some kind of sane upper limit to the number of missiles you are allowed to chain, like 100 or something.

Honestly, if a game is a AA game (decently funded but not gigantic AAA) then it should give you the option to completely disable the voice acting and just read subtitles. High budget games can usually afford decent voice actors, but lower budget games usually can't. If you could just disable the voices and read,

There's probably a legal difference between saying, "I believe person X did Y." and saying "Person X did Y.". In the first case, it's simply someone's opinion, and in the second case they are declaring it a fact.

What you are really talking about is a philosophical question. When should commercial products cease to be commercial products and simply become cultural artifacts that must be preserved and available for use by all? Should the companies be responsible for such a preservation effort? How early should this

It's funny because the guys legs squirm and it looks like he's struggling to get out.

People in the 1800s had legitimate reasons to not smile:

See, big AAA companies send out early review copies of games for critics to play, but if it's a reviewer that's known to be harsh, they make them sign an embargo document that says they won't publish their review until a particular date, otherwise they won't give them an early copy. This way the developer has a brief

You hit me right in the heart.

SNES games typically didn't have this many sprites on screen at a time. In these videos there are probably 30+ zombies on screen at a time. If you wanted to make that work on SNES hardware you'd probably have to bring the visual fidelity of the entire game down somewhat to make up for the huge number of sprites.

CCG companies don't sell individual cards. They sell booster packs. If you buy an individual card, it's from the second hand market, and that has nothing to do with the business model of the CCG company.