Haha Clinton's Dick

I hate to blow your mind but to some folks, Glenn is also a “B-lister”.

Honestly, there are some seriously solid moments of TV in TWD, with a few lulls and inexplicable detours. I don’t think it’s until S6 that it really becomes a case of diminishing returns.

This guy might disagree with that. :)

Gilmore Girls is great and you should enjoy every second of it. Ahem. I think I need to turn in my man card.

This is actually the first time I’ve sat out a season of this show while it’s been on the air, but now I guess it won’t be the last.

I haven’t watched a single episode of this season, and now I feel somewhat vindicated since it ended up all being a massive waste of time.

I was stuck doing some paperwork while the episode was going on in the background. Glad I was doing that too, 40 minutes of driving around was a waste of screen time.

Me too! Too many good shows on right now to spend time with this show.

I mean, maybe his idea of a “hard left turn” from the comics means imagining that instead of just reading the book, you rip out the page right before it happens, set the issue on fire, and walk away.

Mmm, yeeeaaaah. Lemme smother myself in that anguish. That’s niiice.

Guy on right: The coronary.

I need our Dumb Shining Moment. I hope we get a few choice Grayson flops & trips.

Jozy’s most clinical finish in years.

Dude’s been head coach/TD since 2010 (?). He’s had a cycle and a half to put his imprint on the program. U23 should be showing some fruit of his philosophy.

The counter to that is that the U-17s are really the litmus test for Klinsman. Anything older than that and he’s making dinner with what someone else got at the store.

Did you watch the Oly qualifying vs Colombia that just finished? Whatever you think of Klinsi’s coaching, you have to seriously question his technical directing.

The wounded zombie’s lower jaw was hanging by a thread; it looked like it had been blown off by a shotgun or something. So my interpretation is even more gruesome—the child kept making noise so he or she killed it, went mad with guilt, and then tried to commit suicide only to fail because the shot wasn’t aimed

I picked up the same vibe that the person drowned the baby either before or after going mad.

It’s hard to say objectively based on the (thankfully) short screen time we saw. The implication I took from the “HUSH HUSH HUSH” was that the baby was drowned by the person before they turned. The rest (such as possibly the baby turning very fast and biting the person, or perhaps the person just going mad and dying

Yeah, last night’s episode was one of the most brutal yet I think.