
Cheap Dallas Whore?

Effin' A Cotton, Effin' A

I believe My area is getting screwed the hardest. They took off the CBS channel in our area over money. And Fox isn't airing a early game, so if I wanna watch Football today, It's the late 49er's v Titans game...yay. And I don't have the Red Zone Channel, that's because my wife is an Asshole. So I am stuck sitting

Is it just me, or does Manziel have, Eli Manning Down Syndrome face? He kinda has that look about him every once in a while.

Is that Mclovin from Superbad? He's right behind the fart sniffer.

I'd hit it too...

I gotta admit, I cringed a little bit when I saw Corso come out like that. It was nice to see Bill Murray still has some GhostBuster in him, Apparently he thought Corso was a spook.

100 % correct on Virginia..Large wooden cross is by far the favorite thing to set on fire in a yard with friends and family. I live in Southwest Va, so it's spot on

I've got 2 baby momma's and 3 kids. But I'm not Black so it's ok then? What a Cunt this lady seems to be..I'm pretty sure AP's sex life is not of importance and has never been brought up for discussion until his child was MURDERED. Pretty sure that is the only story that should be wrote. Let's not talking about the

Yeah, I tried it a few more times and I got the dutch and Germany. Does not look to good. Although 1 time I did it, I got USA, Swiss, England, Croatia, this I could live with.

I think everyone is missing the point..If you are afraid of pissing all over the seat, getting it on the floor, but to much man sit, just do what my 5yr old son does...piss in the bath tub. He says its easier because its so big, and you don't have the added pressure of mommy yelling because her ass gets wet when she

First time I got Switzerland, Nigeria, US, France...This I wouldn't mind, although I believe its doubtful. Every time after that, USA was in a group with either Brazil Or Spain with the added pleasure of Ghana.

Old Testament humor...*slow clap* very good Sir!

I like..+1

damn, you took my comment. Very good sir!

I haven't seen Mexicans this happy since, well... since they found out that Fat White Girls don't just go for Black guys.

I will miss TNF, was the only bright spot of a otherwise boring day. Gave me something to look forward to, besides ignoring my wife and kids.

You are right, quite a few more important things going on in the world. And if you do not find it offensive as an Asian then that is your right. I'm also sure it wouldn't be silly if you happened to be a person that was offended by the name "Redskin". There are many, many people in this Country that still refer to

I find the name Redskins derogatory. My Papaw was half Cherokee and although he has been dead for 20 + years i'd believe he would also not like it. I was 2 when he passed so never really got to ask him. My brother-in-law is black, so im gonna ask him if he would prefer to be called Black, African American, or

wow...very nice. I think