
Gotta be honest, as a Yankee fan I’m a little bummed it was a different Alex Rodriguez

I agree with you, how the hell is she gonna prove KC caused it. I was thinking the exact same thing, dude could have had major problems way before making it to the NFL. He shot his girlfriend, drove all the way to ArrowHead and then killed himself. Sounds to me like he had plenty of time to digest what he had done,

If she was Fat, It would have been the 1st time its ever happened. Ya know, cause Fat white girls.

I shouldn't have laughed at this, but goddamn it I did.

What it says is that your a pretentious ass. How in the hell did you even make the leap to I was making a gay joke?. But your right lets talk about baseball, whats the point of having the hot stove or free agency for that matter if its not for fans, to hope that their team will pick up the best pieces to help the team

Those kids are going to be heavy drinkers and drug users when they get older. "Yes I'm the Goddamn kid from the Christmas Pajamas video".

I just wish I had a Coach who Loved me this much. The ones I had, would never show me porn.

Fuck, made me giggle +1

If McCutchen Proposed to his girlfriend while ON Ellen, that is something my wife would watch...She's a kinky Broad, that wife of mine.

Snarky Comment? Dude, No shit they have a new RF, CF, and Catcher, and Gardner basically played LF when Granderson was Healthy. Sorry Man I don't want Kelly Johnson as my 2nd baseman. So as a Yankees fan, I am gonna want the best, which was Cano. He signed somewhere else so, I want the 2nd best if available, and I

As a Yanks fan, now all they need to do is package Gardner, Nunez, and a couple of prospects and send them to Cincy for Brandon Phillips. Thought I seen something about him having 1 year left on his contract, and hating the fact that Votto got all that money.

I was waiting for someone to point this out. You be a fine 'Merican.

Man, President Obama's Brother-In-Law has really fallen off the Success Ladder.

Good Goddamn I got the same thing...not looking to hopeful

A Brown Hard On, Surprised he isn't being jumped on by fat white girls.

A little of topic here but, there is a stretch of road named after J.E.B Stuart where I live. Just don't see that name thrown around much

My Fat sister isn't impressed. By the way she is white, so she would know black penis almost better than anyone.

If I could only do that once, I know I would have truly lived. Not the Dunk, but act like a Douche Bag in front of that many people w/o getting my ass beat.

Ariel Castro has to have the Most Touches. Better part of his Career, he was getting touches at an unbelievable rate.

Is the word you're looking for clandestinely? That's gotta be it, what else could it be?