
My bf and I had been living together for almost a year. He came home from work one night all saucy and climbed into bed ready to get down.... and when I went down, I tasted another woman on him.

"Sorcia, I'm in love with your best friend [a dude with a hilariously ridiculous name that I cannot post here]. We're moving to Virginia and I hope you'll be happy for us."

My (now ex) fiancé and I had a somewhat long-distance relationship. I worked an a city 3 hours from the small town we lived in, so I would stay with friends or my parents while I worked my 4 days on, and go home on my days off. Things were never "good" when I was at home, but anyone can tolerate each other for 4-5

I was really liking a few of the characters. A few of the characters hadn't come into their own that I knew still had a lot of potential. And that last montage at the end REALLY stuck it in and broke it off.

i was disappointed this didn't last more than one season.

Fair enough. Personally I enjoy the first few, but for me it doesn't really start showing those glimmers of true greatness until Out of Gas, War Stories and Objects in Space.

Is putting your kids in a position where they learn it's okay to hold someone emotionally hostage to a marriage and abuse them better?

As someone who works in HR, I will confirm everything he said about HR. We're not here for you, Mr. Employee. If we can do something to help you that is not detrimental to the company, then we will. But if something benefits you that hurts the company, forget about it!

Show Shae is certainly a deeper character, but I'd argue the show mishandled that depth. In the books you're kept guessing whether her affection for Tyrion is genuine or if she's just doing her duty for the cash. When she finally betrays him, this betrayal is shocking but not surprising. In the show, her affection is

asking that in the UK can cause an infinite feedback loop.

This has come up sometimes in conversation between me and my friends. "So if a fight breaks out you won't have my back?!?" I usually say "depends if you are being an asshole, sometimes people need to get their ass handed to them from time to time"

A guy said to me just recently, after I pointed out I had made it clear from the first moment he saw me that I was uninterested, "Well, sometimes you have to push past people's boundaries in order to make friends."

Now playing

Then some other person would likely exist as the product of your parents reproducing with other people, special snowflake.

Yeah, this has actually happened to me, but thankfully I wasn't arrested or shit. But I was super pissed and I had to burn things and I didn't want my house to catch fire so the park sounded like a good idea. (The officer was a woman and she was just like "girllll I feel you, just put that fire out and we good".)

Absolutely. I have a perfect system to get the most out too. I stick tissues in my nose to push the pores more open, cut one strip in half to put in the creases of my nose, and then put another one longways down the center of my nose. And then I use them all over my chin, cheeks and forehead. I go through nearly an

do you inspect the hell out of your Biore strips, sometimes with reading glasses?

One of my cats melts like jello in a sack on a hot day when you hold him. When I'm alone, I dance with him because he lets me. He purrs like crazy and oozes about in my arms while the other pets look on like we're both nuts, but this cat is the perfect dance partner. He never minds if I miss the steps, and he's

OK - I might be in marketing now, but my 10 years of newspaper journalism make me want to punch that headline for being a straight-up lie. She didn't do it to FIT into the corset, according to the story. Sounds to me like she was able to fit in it with no problem - she just couldn't eat while wearing it.

2. Spending $100 on a new Windows license.