I don’t particularly want to eat the food at a lunch counter that doesn’t want to serve me, but every space we concede to the assholes becomes a place from which they take more.
I don’t particularly want to eat the food at a lunch counter that doesn’t want to serve me, but every space we concede to the assholes becomes a place from which they take more.
One does not simply canter into Mordor!
Any time I have to look something up, you get a star.
Goddamn oliphaunts.
In my experience, a big dick generally equals pain (or at the very least discomfort) rather than increased pleasure. Lots of guys discount this. Not to get too clinical, but a 6.75 inch dick, which would be around the 95th percentile for penis length, is considerably longer than the average length of an aroused…
Do not try this with non-fat; you will hate yourself
We’re all blind apparently, because Dark has to be somewhere on this list.
Goddamn I got to number 3 on the list and I was like, “Wow, I didn’t think AVClub would put Dark at number one or two”. I just assumed that Dark would be SOMEWHERE on the list. But nope, apparently there are 50 shows that are better than Dark. How could I have been so stupid?
Am I blind or is Dark not even on this list?
They never, ever care about actual facts here. Almost NO teenagers are pursuing gender affirming surgery, and they most certainly aren’t in South Dakota where that would have been incredibly difficult anyway. Puberty blockers are prescribed quite readily to cisgender teenagers and have been historically. This is all…
I am 100% here for making it so that bigots can’t enjoy a fucking thing.
If there’s a single nit I just need to pick it is that these are modeled vulvae and not vaginas. The vagina is the muscle on the inside.
Bruschetta is the one I hear pronounced incorrectly so much of the time, more than Gnocchi. Broo-SKET-tah, not Broo-shedduh.
Can we talk about pianos? This is the second episode where they were used, in episode 2 there is a piano in the lobby of the flooded hotel with a frog pressing down on some of the keys making music, then the piano in this episode is used to show how Frank and Bill first fall in love. There may have been one in the…
As a queer person, I didn’t read it as a Bury Your Gays at all – they didn’t die because of homophobic brutality or tragedy, they died because they were old and content, it’s really the most beautiful, sweet, and sad episode of TV I’ve seen in a long time.
Kinda figured Tess wasn’t in it for the long haul, considering I didn’t even know Anna Torv was in this until the pilot aired, but at least she went out like a badass.
Before anything else, I legit started laughing after watching episode 6, I think, how similar thematically this show is to Dark. Like I get wanting to explore similar themes, but there are just so many things here that are so close to being the same, just in a different setting.
Way back in the 90s when I worked there as a teen we’d pre-make the living shit out of EVERYTHING, especially for the lunch rush. There’d be something like 150 various sandwiches baking under the heat lamps by around 11am. The time between placing your order and walking away was the amount of time it took to put…