
I’m from a Sicilian suburb of western NY. I think gabbagool is hilarious, but I can’t stand the sound of mootzarella. Dunno why, I grew up with both.

Yeah, I was excited when I first encountered one because I thought I’d be able to get a facsimile of regular Lime Coke (which I loved in the bottle back in the 00s, and I hate the diet kind) and it just tasted like disappointment no matter how I tried to finagle the proportions.

Even unsweetened, restaurant tea barely qualifies as tea.

I had salted egg popcorn in a Universal Yums box a year ago or so, and I liked those pretty well, so when I saw these in an H-Mart (there are also salted egg  salmon skins, HARD PASS), I got a bag. These are way too eggy on their own - crumbling them up into somethng else, sandwich or not, sounds like a far better use.

> Worchestire sauce

I have bought many of these no-nos in the past, BUT, I do pay attention to the person’s specific tastes. I have friends who proclaim themselves to be coffee snobs, so I find out what they usually drink, go to my other friends who roast coffee for a living, provide this detail, and they make suggestions that go over

Yep, had the same takeaway re: it being very similar to Dark in a different setting. I enjoyed it, but it felt like almost the same show.

I’m going to Reykjavik in December - a six hour nonstop flight for me, substantially closer than Alaska! - primarily to see the Christmas market and a Golden Circle tour, but I am sure hoping there will be northern lights as well.

One afternoon, I was petting my cat and found a small lump on her jaw. I knew right then it was game over. I took her to the vet and he was unimpressed with it, confirming my gut feeling. We tried a few things just to cover the bases, but she went from fine to dead in three weeks, and I cried every. single. day.

Aw crap. I just binged this last week and thought it was really cute, and was looking forward to more. I hope someone picks it up that will do it some justice.

My end of New York: take a white hot, split it down the middle, fry it until it curls, and top it with mustard (I prefer brown to yellow), onions, and relish (I prefer dill, not sweet).

> The disparity exists because vaginal sex just won’t work unless the male consents

As long as I don’t open my mouth, I usually pass in western Europe to the point that people sometimes address me in the local language. No crocs and no sneakers - black Docs are my standard. And when it’s cold, I wear a peacoat.

And Constable Fraser was the president in Y: The Last Man.

(We used to watch Due South all the time when it aired, and “UGH, he’s TASTING things again” was a common quote in my house.)

I’ve been using Bath & Body Works shea butter bars for 10+ years. They were discontinued about five years ago. I have 6 or 7 bars left from my panic stash. I’ll have to check some of these options out for when those finally run out...

My local airport is relatively small, and about 25 minutes from my front door to the gate by Lyft. Unless it’s a holiday or a very early flight, one hour is plenty of time. I don’t even have much anxiety at 45 minutes. I don’t usually have to check my bag unless it’s a tiny jet, and I can gate-check it if I absolutely

Eastern vinegar barbecue, no beans, and I’ve had many varieties of hot dogs including Chicago style, but I’m partial to a grilled and split white hot with relish, onions, and a nice bitey mustard.

Ooh, yes, for sure. He just knocked it out of the park though.

This was one of the best episodes of both shows combined. Give Mando ALL the Emmys.

As a former resident who lived and worked in southwest Baltimore for 10 years (I made just enough money to be out of The Wire territory, but only by a couple miles), I found much of it to be a rather accurate portrayal of what life is like there.