
We've pointed out the obvious to Nintendo that neither of their statements actually answer the simple question we asked about the status of those Amiibos. This doesn't seem like a difficult question, so we're not sure why Nintendo is having trouble providing a clear answer.

Why is it I always have to want what Nintendon't? Include more classic Pokemon and this is gold!

Get this though your head.

The only pretentious thing here is your comment. Also the only negative thing. Nice work.

Shit just got hilarious. You call people sheeple because they disagree with you. Well shit, who are you a sheeple to? Despite the fact a few hundred people clearly think what you said was ridiculous you have this teenage girl angst tantrum and refuse to reflect on your immature comment as a mistake. I'm not surprised

You seem very sensitive to people calling you a douchebag. Guess the truth hits hard for you, doesn't it?

So much douchebaggery in one comment. Not a fan of him but wow man, just wow.

It's the Realest of Physics™, son. It's got hella cred.

Milk at the gas station? What are you! Rich?

"Yes mom, we got sponsored, that means we're big-time now."

No argument from me, but I understand if someone wants to effectively pay a little extra for the white console.

No argument from me, but I understand if someone wants to effectively pay a little extra for the white console.

That's a specific type of new-fangled Upworthy clickbait. The old "The Opposite of the Conventional Wisdom Is Actually True" format is classic, 2007 click bait. See also #slatepitches: http://www.mediaite.com/online/slates-…

You could say any title baits clicks. If an article has a good title, that will also bait me into clicking it because I think I will enjoy the content. That doesn't make it clickbait.

Gotta go fast!


Nintendo should be ashamed to sell the Marth amiibo for the same price, that head is so bad. That said the Fox one is incredible, and Kirby/Yoshi/Pikachu are too cute. I'm at 7 now, I said I would only get Link and Pikachu... dammit nintento

Side Note: I picked up a few Amiibo's today and I was largely impressed with their quality. They don't look like the prototypes, but they look far better than the images circulating the net would have you believe.

Ahh thats confusing. I think the Amazon deal is better. PS4 + GTA5 ($60 value) + Last of us ($35 value) for $399.99

Ahh thats confusing. I think the Amazon deal is better. PS4 + GTA5 ($60 value) + Last of us ($35 value) for $399.99

Smash Bros. is out tomorrow. Wii U has more exclusives. Still going for Wii U. And, I still think you'd be better of buying a PS3. Cheaper, a huge catalogue of great games, more active online community. Or a 3DS instead of an Xbone. I'm serious.

it's a white fish.