
They just replaced the first Pokemon TCG mobile game this last June 2023 with Pokemon TCG Live. I don’t remember them advertising it at all in any of the pokemon directs either, they’ve always kind of neglected it. Now they are replacing it again...sort of? I don’t understand their strategy at all...

When I first played FFVII back in the 90s, I was completely blown away by how awesome it was. I considered it one of my best gaming experiences and absolutely devoured anything related to it that came out in following years. It would absolutely shock my younger self to know I haven’t touched the remake. Initially it

Absolute insanity at this point. The longer they’ve waited the more they’ve at least partially squandered sales potential. They should release a Mother/Earthbound Collection, I think that would sell pretty well for relatively low effort (compared to an all new game)

It’d sorta be like taking jumping out of platformers... ?

Man, thank you for writing this piece. I’ve been saying this to friends for a few years now. I’m completely over resource farming and crafting. If a game asks me to punch/chop a tree down, I’m out. I have a huge backlog with no time for that anymore.

Yeah I think some people’s hate for Epic, it’s CEO, or just Fortnite is overshadowing how great this news is for all mobile apps with in-app purchases. Don’t get me wrong, Epic is absolutely looking out for themselves here, but ultimately this outcome is good for consumers. Comixology removed in-app purchases on IOS

I would probably spend a considerable amount on skins if they were cheaper or even went down in price over time. For me, even $5 is asking a lot for a virtual cosmetic. Relative to the price of games themselves, it’s objectively too much. $10-$20 is insane. If there were $2 skins in games I like, I could see myself

Wait, is your argument seriously that he isn’t qualified to correct others’ mistakes if he himself makes mistakes? You forgot the apostrophe in “someone’s” to make it possessive rather than plural. So I guess your comment is invalid now too. So is everyone else’s comments (including mine) because it turns out we all

I think the main issue is taking away consumer options. If my friend owned Game 5 out of 7 in a franchise and we wanted to play it online together, I could usually go and buy Game 5 and away we go. I’ve done this with a game in the Battlefield franchise for example. If they had removed the old games, we’d both have to

I really enjoyed the story for the most part. They shook a lot of things up while also not straying so far away from the original material that it would be unrecognizable. The ending got a little out of control and they probably escalated it more than it needed to for this first entry, but it was still fun. I was

I think the article title and bits like “But if you can’t stand stick drift, maybe that’s a small price to pay.” make it out to be a key feature you are paying a high price for. The controller offers more beyond that as the article goes on to descibe, but I think Alex’s main point is that the price is signifantly

Mk11 has a move straight up called a Fatal Blow which in most cases would kill someone. Even if you clear a health bar with it, they stand back up for the finisher, haha. MKX had x-ray moves that were basically the same, crushing skulls and hearts. I remember in MK4, Quan Chi’s grab had him hold his opponent’s arms,

Okay, so what if they didn’t say it was cheating, but still against the rules; what would you say then?

When you say people didn’t like when Link spoke in the past, I’m guessing you mainly mean the cartoon (and maybe the pci games)? Those don’t seem like fair game because those were very poorly done regardless of the property it was based on. A lot of voice acting in general was pretty rough in those days.

I think Shredder’s Revenge is a lot more polished mechanically. There are actual dynamic combos/juggles you can do and the enemies are a lot more varied. Each character also play a lot differently in SR. Feels wrong to say it ripped something off as a game within it’s own franchise when I think the expectation was

It’s the oddall of the bunch, but after spending a lot more time with it, I’ve found that it has a lot of positive aspects that make up for the flaws. It's a tough game, even when you learn your way through the levels. But it's hard in a way that you have tons of room to keep getting better at it. It's one that I

Yeah there are a surprising number of folks that don't or didn't know you could change turtles before they died. I always had fun playing as a kid even though I never got past the area after the dam. After practicing in recent years though I've been able to beat it and it's a legitimately fun game. It has some major

Waluigi’s Big Day, a slice of life adventure game with all the bad luck in the world trying to keep Waluigi from his big plans. For real though, I’d love a Luigi game with Waluigi as the villain like Wario in Super Mario Land 2. Or a Super Wario Bros. game with Wario and Waluigi as the heroes.

These kinda just suck to be honest. Most guest characters so far have been really iconic characters. I feel like the bar should be high for guest characters because most fans would rather have an MK character unless they really like the guest character. At least when you add guests like The Predator or Jason Voorhees,

DK Series: Diddy, Dixie, Funky, JR