That dialogue is awful, all those long and useless pauses between each character's lines makes me want to punch someone in the throat
That dialogue is awful, all those long and useless pauses between each character's lines makes me want to punch someone in the throat
i think they hated knuckles more. good god that poor echidna :(
I desire to progress in a swift, lateral manner!
I feel the need to move at an accelerated pace!
why would you forget about mewtwo! D:
If you're a fan of mini-mags, t-shirts, wristbands and cinch bags, I say knock yourself out. Otherwise you're porbably better off just pacing yourself.
Yep. I don't disagree with him (I spent more hours on Number Munchers than I can count.
Toads Turnpike is amazing. End of story.
Enjoy the game, you must. Low self esteem does taking the game too seriously show.
They had it in Smash 64. No, it isn't anything new. It's still worth saying.
There is only one advanced technique many smash bros. players need to learn to be better players:
who cares about tomorrow, just play whatever you have. What's next in gaming, is another story
One little cameo character and two tracks from two other franchises immediately makes it a Super Smash thing? And that's also counting AC for next year.
Whoa, what?
The guy in green was holding a gun, and he just gets ignored once you approach the guy in blue?
Shitty policework!
To quote Honest Trailers:
Maybe they are having fun anyways. For a brief period I was almost to the pro gamer level. It was fun. But I had a brain injury and things changed. I can still do great sometimes. But alot of times now I only rank in the middle, sometimes near the bottom. I have fun win or lose because its how games should be. If you…
Well I ordered a WiiU yesterday, so I am prepared.
I'm honestly sort of surprised how many people give a shit within our not-real world here...
what a strange response :/
They look like water pistols.