
I don’t think it would be outrageous to allow the top 128 players from the previous year to pre-register for next year. That still leaves a vast majority of spots open to all. As a spectator, I want to see the top players there if possible.

Alternatively, if demand has surpassed time/space limitations, then it might be

Yeah it’s a bummer he’s only a small reference in the last few main zelda games. Before that he was in five zelda games (as a character, not a reference), three of his own games, hyrule warriors, and as an assist character in smash.

Against all odds, I think Tingle has made it further than most zelda side characters


I’m the same way in regards to growing up on the 2d games and not really getting into the 3d games as much. Sonic Mania is the first time I feel like a game was made with the same amount of charm and solid gameplay as the original genesis titles. 

Now playing

I thought of the new line cinema logo animation

You better do you homework, Luke. I’ve killed kids your age for less you know."

I dont think the “sonic games were never good” opinion is really a hot take anymore.

I wish they would add the mii fighters to the random character selection.


Is it common in Britain to serve food in measuring cups?

The technique isn’t banned in most major tournaments, this is about the Tennessee community banning it. Even then, discussions about banning infinite combos in fighting game aren’t exactly uncommon. Suggesting it’s some larger conspiracy to limit the number of characters that get used is blowing it way out of

It never fails...people always seem to show up to every melee article just to let everyone know how toxic it is.

Chrom’s Up-B as a suicide move was nerfed thankfully. Now he dies first so he can’t use it to end a match anymore. He could still use it when he’s up a stock with high damage, but that isn’t as bad. I once ran into a chrom player online who had his preferences set to one stock just so he could try cheesing the match.

I used Samus and stood by the edge of the screen and grabbed them. Her grapple has a lot of range. With this strategy, a Throw boosting spirit can help.

Yeah, it is awesome that we can get around it, but it would be more awesome if we just didn’t have to. It isn’t hard to do, but it isn’t very convenient either. Plus now you’ll have duplicates of all the roms on disk, not that they take a lot of space...but that would change if they start adding later platforms. It

It’s pretty ridiculous they don’t just let us have it. Mark it with a big [IMPORT] icon and let people decide for themselves if they want to fumble through the menus.

Oh...well that makes this pretty confusing. I really can’t help you with that.

That's not what I said, but alright. 🤷‍♂️

I having a hard time understanding the point you are trying to make. Why come into a competitive gaming article and try to convince people who enjoy competitive gaming that it isn’t fun. I get that you and many others dont enjoy it but why on earth does that matter to those who do? People have fun doing it and many peo

As someone who usually reads this site at times where watching a video isn’t convenient, it is nice to get a summary of things like this.