
He is an old robot and his function didn’t really necessitate water proofing. Its a little weird that they would go through that trouble. Then again, he also didn’t really need eye lasers or rocket thrusters 🤔

I would have expected Decidueye to rep Sun/Moon. We already have Charizard and Greninja, why not a grass starter?

What about King Poopa? 

It’s too late now, but the name Bowsette is all wrong.

Ah shit, you are right...I can’t take it back now though, haha

The problem is that you came in with the wrong expectations. I dont know if you know what an otaku is, but this is should be pretty unsurprising material. Your opinion of said material may be valid, but you can’t blame the site for living up to its name.

I’m not sure I understand how getting an extra year of the service for free is salt in a wound.

They made it known that it was going to be a paid service, how much it would cost, how long the trial would last, and several details about what it would include a fair amount of time before the system launched. You can do a google search and set a date range to the year leading up to the system launch.

Personally, I would enjoy being able to send messages to friends online to see if they want to play a game. I know I could message them on my phone too, but it would be nice to do it in the system. 

I would have preferred Tom Nook personally, but I can understand the reasons they picked her. Given how well animal crossing sells, it would have been surprising to me if they hadn’t added at least one new character.

In addition to the brown stripes, I think ultimately it sits well with the other three colors when you look at the two capped joy cons next to each other. Theres a unified earthy pallet there. I think that was maybe the intent of the design choice. I think it looks pretty interesting

LOOK I have a dumb comment with no thought or substance. Let's be friends.

Fire Emblem has sold about 10 million games across the franchise. Pokemon has sold over 300 million. If anything your statement helps illustrate why there are too many fire emblem characters. 

Agreed. The proportions get even worse when you look at popularity by sales.

Seven characters is very disproportionate compared to other franchises which are more popular and have less representation. I’m sure it must be nice if you are a big fan of fire emblem, but for most other people it’s a bit disappointing. Not to mention Roy was already a Marth clone, then we got Lucina (a new Marth

I think after Captain Falcon / Ganondorf in melee, they should be done with trying to make cross franchise echo fighters. The ones we have now make sense, pichu/pikachu, fox/falcon, ness/lucas, pit/dark pit, daisy/peach, samus/dark samus, marth/lucina, etc. They all feel pretty natural. I also like the idea of being

Nah man, clones are fine at this point. Besides its not like they haven’t been adding new full characters as well. Although I would agree that we probably have enough fire emblem characters, there are still other clones that would be better like Ms Pac-Man, Proto Man, Tom Nook, Tails/Knuckles, Dixie Kong, Boshi, etc.

I'd love to see both of those, and I guess there's still time left for more announcements before the release!

Haha, fair enough! Those games were pretty hard too, I dont imagine a large percentage of the people that did play them ever made it far enough to even see him, haha. Either way I hope we see more love for some more of the under represented franchises.

I dont think you are giving the original DKC enough credit to its popularity. Plus a franchise as big as Donkey Kong deserves more than two characters in smash. K.Rool is undoubtedly the most iconic of the villains, so he makes the most sense. That said I think it’s fair to say most of the fans would also like to see