
The sides of the NES controller allow for a more even balance of pressure on the sides of your hands when you grip the controller. With a skinny oval design, a lot of pressure would be more focused causing discomfort over periods of time.

That said, I don’t think the NES controller’s shape is really a shining example

Even if you were a developer and had one of these dev kits giving you 100% certainty that these were real....no one would have any reason to believe you. That said, the flimsy supporting “evidence” you provided is hardly enough to support a high probability let alone an absolute certainty. Jango’s reasoning that it

I really want this to not be true. I can’t stand playing fast paced games on my phone.

According to this rumor, that is the controller for the console, not a portable device. But who knows, maybe the controller becomes the portable device with an extension or something.

Haha yeah there are a few of those minecart levels that are pretty brutal in the originals. I could never get terribly far in the game as a kid but with some effort I was able to get through them in more recent times. Tropical Freeze brings back a lot of the magic from the original games especially with David Wise

I think you are getting a little intense about this.

If you are into Mario Maker I imagine you’d at least be interested in DKC? Tropical Freeze is phenomenal.

Yeah, you can search levels by difficulty: Easy, Medium, Expert, Super Expert. You can also see a percentage of how many people completed a given stage. While there are search options in game to narrow down stages by difficulty and rating, the official Mario Maker Bookmark site lets you do more advanced searches and

It seems like that’s almost all they tend to cover when it comes to articles about specific levels. It is not very representative of what is out on Mario Maker or what kind of levels most people are interested in. I really wish they would have covered a larger variety of levels. I think if you are relatively adept at

That’s hard to answer only because categorizing the different types of levels you will run across isn’t as binary as “hard” vs “creative”. I can say that the number of levels that are kaizo or even quasi-kaizo difficulty are minimal compared to everything else out there. With the four difficulty levels, you can easily

Sounds a bit petty...Clearly you already had enough reasons to not buy mario maker, I’m sure a minor change to an advanced technique using p-switches isn’t much to add to the pile.

Tits are life, ass is hometown.

I don’t think you are allowed into the PC Master Race™ if you believe the PC is in need of any supplementation. To the PC Master Race™, People like you and I are like sub-humans or mudbloods. We are tolerated by their reluctant mercy, unlike the lowly dogs that only use consoles.

Now playing

That god damn song. I barely ever played the game but that song still shows up in my life or in my head every now and then. The original track has a special charm to it, but I think this recording shows a special devotion to the underlying majesty of the original.

More than anything, it’s childhood classics that are quick to go through.

1.a. You are overestimating the simplicity of reversing or bypassing the encryption. There would be a high cost of doing something like this and throwing it away each time (as you can expect more requests like this if this precedent is set)
1.b. Even if they did it all offline, it would still be vulnerable to being

I broke down half way though that long ass stare, haha.

Now playing

If there was an easier way to sort or search comments, I’m sure I’d find two or three posts of that from myself. It is without a doubt one of the best Wii U games out there period. It had everything that was great about the old games while staying new and fresh. Also...that crazy good soundtrack...

How is Tropical Freeze still not on this list? And what the hell is ZombiU still doing on this list?