
You’re a whore. You smell bad and I hate you.

That would definitely make sense. There’s a lot of support for this in the general idea that sex sells.

Haha, wow. A good point. I grew up with a lot of freedom mostly because my parents didn’t understand much about computers or what kind of doors it opened.

To be honest though the rage on both sides of that seem a bit excessive to me.

Don’t get me wrong I definitely tried to consider the combination of two enjoyed things aspect (hence the last question in my post)...but it doesn’t help me understand it.

As for live versus recorded, I didn’t feel like I needed to dive into that because porn can include both. Even outside of porn, there are a ton of

There’s so much easily accessible and free porn out there, I have a difficult time wrapping my head around why “booby streaming” is even a noteworthy thing. I’m saying this in regard to the influx of people that would potentially choose to watch the stream solely based on the fact that it features a pretty lady

Dear Kotaku,

You people need to keep your levels of excitement in check. You are out of control! I will let you off with a warning this time, but I’ll have to give you a citation if I catch you enjoying something too much again.

The Fun Police

I’ve noticed a sort of trend of Kotaku writers getting really into a specific games and posting boat loads of articles about them. It always ends up getting people that are sitting on the outside with left-out syndrome getting upset.

Sadly it’s par for the course in any entertainment industry. You will find the same issues with countless people trying to make movies, write books, or make music. Being a successful artist of any kind is an exciting and coveted way of life. Who doesn’t want to be a part of producing the things we love in life? It’s

Maybe this is a dumb question, but are those ladies identical twins? It bothers me that no matter how much I stare at them I can’t come to a certain conclusion. What is going on? Where am I and who is Groot?

Yup....that was definitely my only reason, scout’s honor.

The only point I was making is that the situation in question is a direct result of the actions of the community that we are all a part of. In other words, we have only ourselves to blame. I didn’t mean to sound like I was taking a hard position on it other than that there’s nothing really for Valve to do about it.

The worst part is that the community is responsible for what does or doesn’t make it onto steam. Valve gave the community the key to the big green gate. The saddest truth is that some of these games end up selling well so their existence is justified from a market standpoint. Valve is kind of stuck between a rock

I’m not speaking for anyone, let alone everyone. If you disagree with something I said, you’ll have to be more specific.

That’s cutting it a little too close to Antlion...which is a totally separate awesome thing.

If a thought becomes sentient, does it think new thoughts?

I think we are misunderstanding eachother because I agree with the things you are saying. I recognize and agree with those parallels. I went back and reread your comment and realized you weren’t really talking about the game being similar to the myth.

What I was trying to say was that when it comes to the game itself,

Are the majority of Europeans especially fond of Japanese films? In the US they have a following that is almost exclusive to fans of anime and, for lack of a better word, otaku. It’s a pretty sizable group, but not generally big enough to push anything up to the mainstream. Ringu got a little traction here but only

In the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, young people are not pit against one other in an enclosed natural arena, but instead to wander a maze until they are eaten by the Minotaur. I can definitely understand the parallels regarding the need to draw lots for people to be sent for sacrifice, but when it comes to the

Combat is, admittedly, pretty sloppy, as is... the whole game, kinda (I had issues with the resolution randomly changing, losing control of my character, and a crash so bad that I had to restart my PC). But sometimes, that sloppiness actually works in the game’s favor.