
There’s a good chance he’s at work right now if he has a family.

Even still, I don’t think periodically participating in an online community discussion is a poor use of time, nor should the context of the discussion be restrained to positivity and praise in light of a perceivable negative topic. This kind of trolling

Holy fuck. It’s been two years since the release of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. If the game is actually still pulling in anywhere near that amount of money, that’s ridiculous (but well-deserved).

It’s from the notorious DashCon (a tumblr fan convention). The small, lonely ball pit has since become somewhat of a symbol of the event’s failures.

It has been out for less than two weeks. Most of the reviews are from people who bought it at full price. These people have a pretty good reason to be invested in confirming their notion that the game was worth $15. Wait until after it goes on sale and see what happens. Honestly, scrolling through the reviews, I’m

Sorry to hear Pokemon is a disappointment for you, but that isn’t really a failure on Nintendo’s part. It’s safe to say with pokemon’s track record, a lot of people will be pretty excited for it to come out. Calling out a game series for rehashing itself after it’s been going for 20 years is like complaining about

Did you mean sliver or was that a pun I missed?

People get pretty crazy! I don’t know if I’d call it entitlement as much as I’d call it a bit of an overreaction...I worry sometimes that the word entitlement gets misused to dismiss potentially valid complaints both big and small. Generally I tend to side with the consumer over the corporation, but being reasonable

This is a disturbing story and could probably use more stars.

As far as I know, Steam never released news of the caching issue directly to users either through email or their store page. They did however release a press statement to a number of news outlets on the day of the incident

Gameplay depth seems to be a general issue with a lot of the major survival games out there. They tend to make up for it with the social aspect of the game...but by the sounds of it, this game isn’t really going to do much to provide that. The devs have stated almost with a tone of annoyance that even if you knew your

I think a reboot can be a sequel. It’s rebooting the franchise in a sense that it is starting fresh, but it doesn’t have to necessarily negate the history. Look at Mortal Kombat (2011). It acknowledged all of the past lore from previous games while starting a new fresh story via time travel. It was as much a sequel as

I was a little skeptical when they announced it, but honestly this looks pretty awesome!

To have fun you don’t have to accomplish anything, you just have to enjoy yourself. Even if that were true, it is highly subjective whether you’d consider overcoming a challenge in a video game a worthwhile use of your time on this planet. I feel like your comment is somewhat dismissive to the large variety of ways

Different strokes for different folks. It’s safe to say it’s probably not fun for most people. On the flip side, it’s probably safe to say its fun to watch for most people.

These are all nice features...but I just want better organization options for the dashboard.

Maybe you could tell me of a nice alternative that comes remotely close to having as much to offer as it has? I’ve become very accustomed to the many benefits it provides...

Doesn’t really look that way to me...but it’s kind of hard to look at those specific days both the superbowl and the smash nintendo direct were on sundays. Even still, you are failing to account for numerous actually similar increases and decreases between those times...which is the point I was trying to make. Stocks

You aren’t alone at all in wanting a console pokemon, people talk about it all the time. But I don’t think the possibility of a console game is directly affected by the expected and desirable continuation of the handheld line. This announcement is just par for the course. It is only a disappointment if you came into