
I can post studies too...

How is this even still a thing? I watched the first one, and never again. It has gotten a little better over the years, but still too much bush league bullshit. What kind of award is “Gamer God?” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_Vid…

This whole thing should have stopped in 2005 when 50 cent’s game was nominated for

The hololense is AR not VR...they are fairly different but I’m sure you’re prepared to naysay them both anyways.

That said. I do agree that TV’s aren’t going to be replaced by AR displays any time soon. But the future is difficult to predict, and those who try often end up looking pretty foolish.

Mario’s adventure is over for now, but

Super 3DS and 3DS+ are the best names I’ve heard anyone put forward so far. “New 3DS” is a tragedy of a name.

3DS, Too

I love the game...hate the business model though.

Yeah it’s definitely the body shaking that throws it off. If it was mounted on something, that twitchy eye movement would be perfect.

That sounds like you are implying Portal 3 is not bound to be made.

Just got ours today too! Still trying to decide if it was worth it, but I’m giving it more time to see. There’s definitely a ton of potential.

Just got ours today too! Still trying to decide if it was worth it, but I’m giving it more time to see. There’s

Looks like perfect material for those super saiyan gifs

I’m usually in the same boat, but I’d let something like this fall into the fine art category (at least if I had to justify it to my boss for some reason).

Still, a different image could have easily been selected to avoid it entirely.

RedBubble has loads of great artwork. I haven’t ordered prints before but there are a lot of options for them in terms of size and material.


I thought about that too. They almost seem too calm about it though, and the double taunt really throws everything off. I’m led to wonder if they were just intentionally enjoying the moment. We may never know I guess.

What is it that he should be doing which you presume he is not doing based on the comment he made?

I think that’s a one sided view of it...that video wouldn’t have half the chance of being clicked at all (at least by me) if it wasn’t shared by Kotaku. Even if he does deserve clicks because he let kotaku post his video, that isn’t a debt owed by readers.

I feel like I’m in the middle. I love the game itself. I enjoy the gameplay and I’m in love with how immersive it is on the presentation side. But I do feel pretty sour about how little there is in terms of content. It only has four planets (12 maps), 6 heroes, and 6 ships (including hero ships), and 3 ground

When you say its a terrible game, it’s hard to tell what you are talking about. DICE made the game, not EA. From my perspective the quality of the game is very good, I guess that is subjective but it’s hard to imagine it being “terrible”. As for business practices like the abuse of DLC and special editions, I think

Haha that’s alright. Thanks for that awesome word though, it’s perfect.