
I want a fat black Link option. How can I identify with a skinny white guy?

Why not just add a character creation and discard the concept of Link as a character rather than an undefined avatar.

I wonder how people would react if there was a Create a Character system implemented. It could be suggested on the same basis that Link is just a husk for the player to become a new hero born in a different time than heroes of the past.

Would people like that?

He’s hilarious and terrifying...how can you not like him??

You can almost visualize the negative space around the “:” as the “s”

Why do you cross post stuff like this on kotaku? It isn’t even remotely related...


Haha I have no idea. I think it may have just been part of the plan to leave you in some state of shock and bewilderment.

Now playing

Those obnoxious commercials in the 90s that repeated it’s name relentlessly...that’s all that stands out in my mind. Looking back now, that was pretty solid marketing, and I don’t know how well it would have worked with an ordinary name..

Now playing

They’re animals. About 98% of the things being said are complete nonsense or bare minimum thought fragments shouted in all caps in hopes of being seen/heard. All I can think of is the scene with the birds in Finding Nemo...

It is at this exact point that I realized just how envious I really will be of those who get big sets like this.

Haha you are absolutely right. It shouldn’t be a surprise that a crane game reflects the nature of real crane games. I’m not even sure which is worse.

I disagree. Microtransactions are built entirely around compulsive spending and the addictive natures. While a large degree of fault lies upon the people who lack self control, I will still fault the people who take advantage of this weakness. All of these types of games use some form of negative reinforcement to

I am a developer (started in game, now in business) and I get that bills have to be paid. I think you are grossly oversimplifying the entertainment industry in general. You aren’t entitled to success just because you work hard and need money. You chose an industry which is highly competitive and very harsh for those

a person who offers an argument in defense of something controversial.

I think it’s safe to say there is a reasonable amount of controversy surrounding the use of microtransactions in the gaming industry especially among dedicated hobbyists. I stand by that statement just as well. I think this practice is

“If you don’t like it, don’t buy it”

Fuck all of this. I’m as big a nintendo fan as anyone, but its hard to see so many apologists around here. A crane game with microtransactions sounds like a steaming pile of carnival donkey shit.

Ryan vs. Dorkman takes me back in time

What happened to you Kevin bacon?!

The unsettling thing is that no one would bat an eye if they just charged $60 for the game on both platforms.