
All hope seemed to be lost but then we called the theater only to discover the skies were clear there. Our theaters all use Fandango for the online ticket ordering as do many theaters and it was as borked as it could be. For some reason going directly to the theater and using the kiosks I had no trouble at all getting

It’d be nice if you posted good levels instead of bad ones. It’s easy enough to find junk levels without you posting them. It just seems like a waste of a voice. You could be helping people find awesome levels and helping people who work hard on making good levels get noticed.

There are very well made stages out there...it’s really lame that junk stages like this are getting showcased or even played at all. If a stage does something like that to me I quit and move on.

Not your fault here, you can only search by course id. It’s really lame =\. I thought they were starting to get better with the other online Wii U games so far.

For screenshots you don’t even really need anything special...you can just go to the miiverse while the game is running to post a screenshot. Those screenshots can be readily accessed on PC by logging into Miiverse online.

But they could also get a video capture kit installed so they could record direct video as well.

It is a VR experience. As I said, it is not the matrix. Reality isn’t going to be 100% simulated. The Rift is a VR Headset, not an elaborate chamber you enter or a thing you plug into your brain. You are putting, at most, your head into a virtual world, which is about as immersive as a common consumer viewing

With 3D animation and video games it would be entirely feasible to move around. This is a problem with recorded or live video footage. Its not that it isn’t possible, it would just require a remote controlled robot for you to personally move that 360° camera around. Then if its a shared camera, who’s going to control

I wanted to move forward and backward and side-to-side as you do in a first-person video game, not to be rooted to a fixed spot on stage that changed according to the whims of a broadcast producer.

Ah, I didn’t know about it being the burial site for Fusajiro Yamauchi. I could see that complicating things a bit. I think its odd though to herald his burial site as sacred then reduce the origins and history of one of the biggest companies in video games to “a place where they made cards at one time in the past”.

Yeah that is very strange.... You’d think it might better serve as a museum.

It’s still there based on google satellite images from March 2015, unless you mean it was demolished this year.

You may also be confusing the very original nintendo building which was located directly next to that stone building (shown in the images). The original building was demolished in 2004. The stone building

I don’t know I think it looks better in game (on PS4). The lighting and effects bring everything to life more which is better perceived with motion. A screenshot, even photoshopped (which these are not), will never do the game justice.

It’s funny how sometimes you can find a song you think is really neat, then it turns out most people hate it. I’m in the same camp as most people here, but don’t let it bring you down man. If you don’t have at least a few beloved turds in your music collection, then it means you aren’t exploring enough music.

Good lord, he got gang bagged. I’m kind of bummed they didn’t allow that epic battle to happen though. Hopefully there will at least be a Heroes vs Villains mode...although it would not be quite as cool as it would have been to have one particularly awesome fight go down out on the chaotic battle field.

That’s a bummer, I hope there aren’t big problems with groups because I planned to play with friends pretty often. Last night I only played with one other person though. We almost always played on the same team. The only time we didn’t was when we switched maps once and ended up joining a game that was in progress.

That’s weird I had the opposite experience with matchmaking. I started playing around 9pm CST and the moment I started the multiplayer I was almost instantly in a group of people and we started the match shortly after. It was like that all night for the next three hours. Maybe it was hit harder earlier in the day?


I’m having a blast with it so far. I feel like if you enjoyed Battlefront 1 and 2, this should be as good or better. Those games don’t hold up that well mechanically or visually in my opinion. Based on the small taste allowed in the beta so far, the game is exactly what I hoped it would be.

Your comment is painful to read...