
I’ve seen a countless number of better examples on the front pages of those stupid celebrity tabloids at the grocery checkout line. She looks just as good to me in the second picture.

Is there any moderation capabilities for youtube stream chats? I know that doesn’t stop everything but this seems completely unfiltered.

This guy is HARDCORE

Clever =]

They are both idioms. He was still incorrect nonetheless...

The future is an unsettling combination of terrifying and amusing.

Hot damn, that’s like cyber buddhist nirvana. Ascend now and become 00000001 with the data.

Are you having a strawman party over there? That is unrelated. I can’t think of any sort of law you could even try passing that wouldn’t result in the infringement of free speech rights. Who would be in charge of policing what people can and can’t post on a website. Who decides what information is right or wrong? No

The site isn’t doing anything remotely illegal...

There isn’t any ground for it to be shut down by anyone other than the owner of the site (CBS) which wouldn’t have much reason to do that as long as it is pulling in good ad revenue.

That said, I do agree that it would be nice if it was gone or replaced by something better.

I just wish metacritic enforced a standard scoring system. It absolutely cannot work when people have different grading scales. Most critics seem to use a grading scale where <60% = F(ailure), 70% is average, etc. Some people use the full scale 1-100 where 50 is mediocre. I honestly wouldn’t care which one is used,

I wish this is what everyone walked away with from the comments section instead of the bitter after taste of a click debate.

The article title is click-bait...but that is still a pretty incredible amount of money even if you only bought a fraction of that DLC.

Have you ever been in a fight in a dream and it feels like you are under water or moving in slow motion? That’s what LBP feels like to me.

One person has offered up a potential method for leaving comments without starring, I’ve tested it but I haven’t been able to verify if the other user still gets a notification for it or not.

You are needlessly restricting the use of the word investment.

I don’t know...that’s what I’d do if I was looking at that build.

This looks really awesome stylistically, I’m surprised I haven’t heard of it until now. The only part I’m iffy on is not being able to see your character very well in some cases. It’s hard enough being so small, but in the fight with Fe you spend a lot of time as a fuzzy shadow obscured behind the boss’ feet.

Personally I think investment is the more appropriate word. A donation doesn’t come with expectations of return or reward. In some cases you do get a little something for donating, but it is never of greater value than what you put in. People get emotional satisfaction from a donation and that is the sole reason to