
My body isn’t ready anyways... I’m still worried about the cockpit view + screen view dynamic. But I love star fox enough that I’m ready to dive in face first even if it hurts me. Don’t let me down Miyamoto!

I kind of scrolled passed kirby not thinking much other than that it was mediocre compared to the other pieces...then I scrolled back up to it after reading your comment. Oh god...those eyes! It’s pretty creepy now that I look at it.

It seems like he did well on a few of the cartoon ones, but overall there was a pretty

Alright come on...How?! Photorealism art in general blows my mind, but on a 3DS? I can’t handle it.

That’s exactly how I feel. I also keep considering getting it on PC just so I can pay them for it, but I’m waiting for more friends to pick it up on steam first.

Right...I don’t understand how people can feel so confident about trying to predict the future. It also seems weird to come to a negative conclusion about a game that is doing so well.

I used to appreciate easy to enter codes when I was younger...now I kind of miss the harder to enter codes. The kind you had to take a deep breath for each time you attempted it.

Would The Land Before Time count? I honestly don’t remember it all that well.

Now playing

While there’s not enough alcohol in the world to forget this scene, it’s my journalistic duty to remind you it exists.

It claims to have 50+ tones so we’ll see how true that is when I get it =]

It claims to have 50+ tones so we’ll see how true that is when I get it =]

This one has been primed and in the queue for a game night with a large group of people. While I’m sure it will be great (and probably less chaotic) with fewer people...I want my first experience with it to be with a big group of clueless people. There’s something beautiful about that and we don’t get many

Good to know! I’ve been in need of a wireless doorbell set for a while now and this seems like a solid deal.

Good to know! I’ve been in need of a wireless doorbell set for a while now and this seems like a solid deal.

I’ve found myself feeling absolutely no shame skipping levels. If I don’t think I’m going to have fun, I just skip it right away. It’s not a perfect process, I might miss some good ones and I still get caught playing bad ones, but overall it seems to work very well.

That said, I definitely agree that there could be

While I agree with people saying the gameplay is too different for it to be included in Mario Maker, I don’t think saying it wasn’t a real Mario game is a solid reason.

Most Nintendo games, including SMB:USA, start off as a simple prototypes focused on gameplay rather than context or story. This one in particular

The only good thing about quick time events is that you get to see ridiculous shit when you fail. I always recommend TellTale’s Jurassic Park series for this reason.

Good catch. The first thing I thought of was that lava pool they showed. I keep thinking it would be nice if we could add lava or water to certain regions.

I think the logs are also placed in a way that wouldn’t be allowed in mario maker (I think its a bridge piece)

I feel regret just thinking about it...and it wasn’t even my mistake.

Even in final destination mode, it has the potential to be one of the coolest stages if the theme changes randomly each time you play.

No...It will cost $2.49 to buy separately. No word on any sort of package deal.

I’ve seen some interesting comments about each form being related to various aspects of norse mythlogy, but it seems like a poor use of inspiration. Who knows maybe the filled in gaps will make things better, but its really hard to imagine that dog form fitting in there.

Talking shit is probably one of the only fun parts of this boring ass game