
There are a ton of smaller features they unlock in a number of games which continues growing. You may find it easiest to visit Nintendo’s amiibo compatibility page. Beneath each game is a “Features” button which will explain what the amiibos do or if specific amiibos do special things in that game. I’m even surprised

If you are convinced that it is dying soon, then you shouldn’t expect yourself to have to wait very long before you can purchase it for a very low price.

Yeah, oranges and apples are both fruit. You could find quite a few similarities there too.

There are a couple references and the extremely general concept of creating something with mario assets. That is where the similarities end. Mario Maker is about creating playable mario levels. It is a platformer with a level

Apples to oranges...

Nor is it what a woman “should” look like, you chauvinist twat

Are you dense? I wasn’t talking about offending the commenter. What you said was hateful towards the model. Imagine if it was an overweight model instead of underweight (which is questionable here, but lets let that go) and someone commented with something like “Those huge tits are perfect”. While that is certainly

It almost sounds like you are trying to advocate reasonable standards of beauty, and that’s a good thing. But if you have to insult people to do it, you are just being a dick.

You would still watch the gameplay shown in the video review. You can obviously still form your own opinion while watching it. But at least they would be covering more aspects of the game rather than a narrow section of it.

Depending on the community

pressing my body against Space Invader cabinets

Most reasons for watching people play games make sense to me. But you listed two that I’ve never understood.

they intend to buy a game buy want to learn more about it.

Hey cool, you can see into the future. Must be awesome being you.

I just preordered 5 games from best buy.

$40 Zelda Triforce Heroes
$60 Mario Maker
$60 Starfox Zero
$60 Battlefront 3
$30 Gamers Club subscription (2 years)
-$44 Discount (20% off) from gamers club

I saved $12 and got a $10 gift card for the best buy preorder reward for BF3. Now every game I preorder for the next two

It’s a lot easier to find stories about customers being jerks for sure. Being a jerk comes with more consequences for an employee than it does for a customer.

While I agree that they should have included a charger, your complaints are a bit exaggerated. Your prices are way off. Also, it would have helped if you clarified that you mean Canadian Dollars instead of USD, I didn’t realize it until I read a later comment of yours. Even so, it is incredibly easy to find adapters

Really depends on what you are into. There are so many good ones, but if I had to pick a few exclusive must-plays, they would be Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and Pokemon X/Y. Beyond those two games I would say look through the top games and pick what appeals to you. You will probably enjoy it.

It is pretty unbelievable...but it’s easy to forget what people are capable of. People have done and said crazier things in this world. It sounded like he had mental issues affecting his social skills. Maybe Aspergers? I don’t know, I am not a doctor. While he somehow managed to get hired, he did not work there long

DMC ended up pretty well received by critics, but it wasn’t even out at that point so it would have been difficult to rationalize a strong personal opinion at that time. But like you said, it doesn’t really matter what the game was. Not only was it bad for business, but it was very rude and unprofessional.

Some people are terrible =\

A friend of mine was scoffed at for his choice of game

None of my experiences were quite as bad as this. I don’t remember the exact game he wanted to preorder (I want to say it was DMC or some other notable release). When he told the cashier he wanted to preorder it the cashier actually made a scoffing sound and asked