
Just curious, what is it about Might No. 9 that displeases you?

Screw the Metroid Prime team. Keiji Inafune makes them look like scrubs

It’s good to see they are listening to the noise. The only thing I think he still has wrong is expecting too much from Federation Force. The concept and gameplay may be sound, but it doesn’t have the style and presentation it needs to succeed. It looks too generic. It’s very unappealing.

Can we stop using “we” as though we all want the same thing? I didn’t are about Paper Mario or Xenoblade. I wasn’t expecting a new 3D Mario or any more Mario games for a while. Barely anyone cares about F-Zero and the proof of that isn’t only in these comment sections but also in the sales of past games after the

You could pay $0 for it on PC. Apples to Oranges to Bananas. There are different reasons for each option.

That blows man. I did something very similar with my genesis games late into the N64’s life. I got about enough money to buy one N64 game. So I bought Mario Party 2. About 40 sega genesis games down the drain all for Mario Party. I remember feeling kind of weird about it after they counted up the total for all the

Ahhh, good call! I’m not sure what the deal was then, haha.

I didn’t try that in all of the cases, but I did try that for the PS3 instance. I think that it is only used for power and synchronization, so it still uses wireless for communication. I’m guessing the others are the same but can’t say for sure!

I’m not sure I understand the difference in this context. I’m referring to interference caused by multiple nearby wireless devices operating on the 2.4GHz band. I’ve developed a bit with Bluetooth so I have a reasonable understanding of it, but I’m by no means an expert. If there’s something out there to help explain

I just finished running a video game room for a smaller fan convention (1,000+ people) where we have maybe 20 systems hooked up in the same area. A strange thing occurred with various systems throughout the weekend. The controller would be turned on and synced up with the appropriate system...but none of the buttons

So yeah, you are dead wrong.

I’m definitely with you on the confusion part and having that feeling of being pulled in too many directions. I think it’s best to just ride it out for a while and see what happens. Early adopters always run risks of getting hosed in situations like this if the product they chose ends up crumbling beneath its

No worries at all man! I’ve had worse mix ups, haha. Now I want to marathon the SF games and get a group to play SF:Assault. I loved jumping out and standing on top of the arwing while it was flying, so pointless but so awesome.

For sure! That would be nice, traveling between towns is so slow in the 3DS. With the Wii U they could do split screen either on the TV or between TV and Gamepad. Imagine storing your character data on an amiibo and taking it to a friends. I know there’s some amiibo hate, but portable data in a cool figurine seems

Yeah it would have been much better to save the prolonged death scene for Vic Hoskins but we only get to see a tiny bit of that.

A lot of players must have chose the wrong thing, because people complained about the gun fights. Its been a while since I played it, but I recall numerous occasions where using a gun made the most sense and so that’s what I did. I didn’t hate it as much as everyone else did, but I will admit I had more fun during

I agree with this sentiment, but let’s be honest. The presentation of this game is extremely lacking...it couldn’t possibly look more generic. If they at least had creative designs like Hunters did, the reaction would have been a bit less negative. Even as someone who doesn’t play many metroid games, its easy to see

Very awesome work with this interview, I think many people will appreciate that you really drove the question everyone is asking. We didn’t get the answer we wanted but I think you helped make it clear to him what people were looking for.

You definitely mean Assault =] There was no multiplayer mode in Star Fox Adventures (you even got me to double check to make sure I wasn’t confused!). I do agree though, the multiplayer in assault was perfect. The customization options and variety made it work for anyone’s tastes.

You meant Star Fox Assault multiplayer right? =]