
I don’t know...AC:NL isn’t that old and that game turned out great. Animal Crossing fans have nothing to complain about. A new game will come. Star Fox fans were let down after 9 years of waiting. I feel really bad for Metroid fans who have been waiting for a good metroid game since Metroid Prime 3 (8 years ago).

This is very interesting to hear. I’ve been concerned about the controls and even with your commendation I still kind of am. I think it would have been smart for them to offer a traditional control scheme as an alternative.

I’ve never understood trolling...is it that fun?

I couldn’t agree more. They should make the motion control screen optional, even the default if they want. I always like to try them out, but having traditional controls as a back up option is extremely important.

I think having a mix between cinematic and gameplay footage is good design for a trailer.

I must be the only one concerned with the actual gameplay. =\

That’s the thing that concerns you about this game?

I recommend playing the first one first. It isn’t necessary but its easier to move up from old to new than it is to move from new to old. But I only really recommend it if you feel you are good at putting yourself in the right mindset to appreciate a game for its time (As you would with older films)

But where is my favorite obscure toy line?!

But seriously, the quality presented in the video wasn’t overwhelming...Hopefully that won’t be a reflection of the gameplay. But I’m probably hoping for too much with a Ubisoft licensed game..

I hate the friends minifigures. There are some pretty cool sets that have nice parts, but the minifigures are a dirty stain. Then again that is from my adult male mind which was raised on standard lego minifigures. Its difficult to argue what could or should have been when considering Lego’s new efforts for girls

No one cares if its legal.

Pretty much my first thought too. I mean it is cool that they took the time to have new reworked versions of the six games they are including, but until we hear more about what that entails and how much it costs...it’s hard to tell if it will be worth it. But I would be far more excited and would easily pay a full $60

The collection will only come with the first six Mega Man games

I will be sad if this works for him =\


As much as I generally dislike older generations looking down on younger generations (even outside of video gaming), Contra isn’t a terrible game even by today’s standards. Even accounting for personal bias, I can’t imagine saying its anything worse than “ok”. The controls are tight, the gameplay is fair, and even the

This is great.

It is interesting how something can be equally impressive and crappy at the same time. It’s Little Big Planet all over again.

Looks like they were barking up the wrong tree.

I strongly disagree.

1. Pac-man had a bigger impact both then and today. The arcade units sold better. It has spawned way more merchandise, alternate media, and pop culture references. Pac-man changed arcades and how video games were viewed by the public. Pac-Man was a shining beacon in the industry of how imaginative