
That is an excellent point. But I wonder how much information the player is given about the nature of the ban. It would be good if the developer had to provide the evidence used to implicate the player in the first place as part of the request to ban the player. Even if steam automatically accepted it

The global trading system accommodates for most reasons you’d have to get both versions. I realize some people still like to get both, but a majority of people just get one or the other. I think the cost of producing two separate games adds up at various levels and probably doesn’t amount to that much more than the

Wow that tournament video is gold.

“It’s like...I can feel that in my own crotch”

I’m sure Boon is pleased. I would have never guessed Libby rocking house like that though. She was way ahead of the others.

Depends on who you ask. Some people clearly enjoy voice chat dickery...but for someone like me it’s has always been a mutefest. I play games to have a good time, not to listen to someone yell into my ear. Either way, having more options is always a good thing in my book.


I bought the first one, then reluctantly bought the second. Didn’t buy the third and probably won’t buy the forth. There isn’t anything wrong with having a negative opinion about something. For what it’s worth, the gif is an exaggeration for the sake of humor (much like the comical style of the gif’s source)

Sometimes shamelessly milking something dry at rates beyond what we’ve seen even with games like guitar hero, madden, and call of duty isn’t the best option. Sure its easy and quick money, and the cheap fun may maintain a lasting audience for a while...but it’s downhill from there. While Scott’s chaffing the teats of

The inconvenience of repurposing tags into jokes outweighs the tiny moment of mild joy just a few people might get from its humor. Its funny once, after that it’s a nuisance.

Don’t worry kricketune...one day people will understand how majestic you are.

You misunderstood me. I was referring to the egocentric attitudes found in most sports cultures. Particularly the way people with strength belittle those with less (which is what leffen was doing in a less physical sense) I played sports for a period of my childhood, I loved the game...didn’t care much for how people

Because gamers always aspired to become just like the jocks we idolized growing up.

I think you are very confused. Pro Wrestling is all theatrics. They are characters improvising in an acted out story. It makes complete sense to have good guys and bad guys. Competitive sports are a completely different thing. These are real people who are actually being dicks, not because they are playing a

This is competitive sports entertainment which is completely different from theatrical entertainment. Its not about watching characters...its about watching skilled people compete.

Constructive criticism is always better than destructive criticism. Half of it is about being polite, but the other half of it is actually being helpful. You probably just hate when advice is sugar coated rather than honest.

He wasn’t really “playing a role” when he earned his reputation. He was just being a poor sportsman and a rude human being. It seemed like he was maybe getting better and it should continue that way. Role play makes sense in theatric entertainment such as pro wrestling, but it does not make sense in competitive sports

For what its worth, I agree. I thought the first one was a fun and neat novelty. Releasing two sequels for a game within the same year the first was released is a bit hard to swallow.

Rumors can have truth, its the lack of certainty and questionable source of information that makes them rumors.

I tried finding that lawsuit but didn’t find it. Nintendo owns a lot of trademarked words.