
If that was true why doesn’t the list contain even a moderate amount of trademarked words let alone most/all of them?

The Detective is most likely trolling.

I liked it when games let you unlock things if you want to...but also when there is a code to unlock everything. Sometimes you don’t want to do it, sometimes you don’t have the time for it, sometimes you want to bring the game over to a friends and don’t have the save file.

Hold right to win? Please let everyone here know when you make a lets play where you try that out, I’d like to see it.

I don’t think the mild differences in aesthetics really impacts the game. Sonic 4’s flaw was poor physics and the homing attack mechanic. The other aspects of the games were pretty much exactly what we asked for.

I liked sonic 4 overall and I’m a huge classic sonic fan. But I do think they messed up a little bit on the physics and the homing attack did more harm than good. I don’t think they were bad games, but the flaws were noticeable.

It always surprised me when people think this is how the game is played. How long is it going to take until you figure out to tap down while running to spin through enemies. I want to get everyone like you in a room and teach you how to play the game. It is like watching someone play mario without running. It is super

Unprofessional overreactions from both sides honestly. Either way I guess it doesn't really affect me at all.

You obviously don’t even know what you are talking about. If you have the disk, it only needs to do a minimal amount of preparation before you can begin playing from the disk while the rest of it installs. That is a fact. It has been clarified officially and you can verify it yourself.


No, you can’t buy a copy in the store, pop it in, and play.

If that was an actual fatality (or more likely a friendship)...that would be awesome.

This comment is sad. You are an embarrassment to us.

Console people can just buy a copy of the game at the store, pop it in and play. I don't know about XB1, but on PS4 you can also play downloaded games before they finish downloading.

Nice! I just picked this up recently. Its a pretty solid game

Dang...typo on FFIX.

I think Vivi would be great. Not only was he an outstanding character from FFX, he is a great representative of the iconic Black Mage class.

Thank you...even as a child during the epoch of the pokesplosion I found the cartoon to fall short of the world I imagined from playing the video game and TCG.

Now playing

Necessary viewing material anytime Thomas the train comes up.

That is an interesting theory I hadn’t thought about! But its not necessarily the $99 that is the issue (Admittedly that is a terribly high price point even if it unlocked everything). I don’t think even the $5 or $10 options are a good value.