
Playstation has always had more JRPGs every generation it has been around.

I don't think it matters...his choice is based on the robust history of JRPGs on playstation consoles. It has never even been a contest in the past and with the sales of the PS4 in japan it doesn't seem like it will change this gen.

Dat rayquaza

I wish I could job =[

I just can't wait for this inbetween generations phase to blow over.

Looked at the unofficial change list on the smash boards link provided. Damn...that is dedication.

While I was familiar with operation rainfall and the games it included, I never ended up playing the game so I didn't quite recognize the name. Following the game very closely though I heard it mentioned enough to the point where I looked it up before he was announced. End result is still that I didn't know who he

Go in with no expectations other than a rich, deep learning curve. The thing that makes smash bros special is that it is still fun at any point of that curve. If you ever feel like you are getting beat down (outside of having items on, then you should expect chaos), remember you can always find ways to improve. Its

For some reason...I just remember the Rayman (not Raymond) and the Blasto commercials. Of all the games...I can't explain why that's what I remember.

I was 10 when OOT came out and I had no idea. At that time I might have been buying used sega genesis games from the rental store with my allowance. Gaming magazines and commercials were the primary source for information at that time...I couldn't afford magazines and I don't recall seeing too many commercials for

I don't think that question is as important as you think it is.

Child of Light was outstanding. Don't be the guy on the left.

Sonic's new design isn't that bad...Knuckles is the real problem. He looks like a chump.

"consoles are holding back PC progression."

If only graphical stagnation was the problem...

You people make me sick.

Just buy all the Amiibos, then go on RedBubble and buy a smash bros shirt of your choice. What about the cinch bag? I don't even know what that is. Get out of here.

Stop, I get sad thinking about it

"The same idiots that buy these are the same idiots that buy McDonalds Happy Meal toys on eBay for 80x what they were worth."

Those aren't the same kind of idiots.

There are some things out there better described as interactive entertainment than games. But that's just semantics. It doesn't matter what you call it, whether it can be enjoyed or not is going to be a matter of personal taste in media. I don't understand how people can get upset about what media others consume