
I kind of want one just to terrorize my cats when they are being assholes. That said I need one with a horn and a water cannon.

The player facing score should approximately reflect rank, rank should be the primary factor in match making.

So weird...that's where I left off in Dark Souls. Got busy and lost interest. Now I'm afraid to go back and break off the rust...over...and over...and over again.

I think 7 out of 10 are by design. But yeah...I have been wondering though how all of this will go with patching abilities now for the first time. I think we'll see a lot of exploits come and go.

Could you rewrite your post in the form of a wise sensei? I will also accept yoda. Thank you.

That's the crazy thing with smash. There are so many levels of knowledge and ability. To suggest everyone knows anything is crazy. Some people don't even know how to shield grab. Some people don't even know how to shield or grab.

I cannot wait for star fox...Hopefully they can recapture the magic from SF64 this time.

I've never heard it called that I guess. "Stale-Move Negation" seems to be pretty widely used. You are right though, it was in Brawl as well as the melee and 64. To be fair I guess its worth mentioning it has changed to some degree between each game.

Calm down.

Right after an Earthbound Trilogy

I would demand much more diversity from anything claiming to be Super Smash Kart.

That description is almost too perfect.

Normally I find things like this funny...why do I feel so sad right now...

Cosmic Spacehead was a codemasters game I remember spending a lot of good times with

Now playing

Good time for this gem to resurface as well

It sounds like we are screwed no matter what. Either we continue allowing misregulation by the service providers or we risk misregulation of that regulation by laws.

I think you'd encounter that if you tried to buy every toy in most toy lines. Sucks but we'll have to choose carefully

Yeah...I feel a little let down too with the final quality of some of them (like marth).

They'd have to charge more than $13...which is already a high price for how many of them I want =[