
Both sides of Wario's CSP are very dark, I wouldn't say Game and Watches hand is a part of it at all. The photo was probably taken with a phone to begin with, then screens were pieced together (notice no screen divider). Additionally artifacting and bad antialiasing like that are common when images are compressed

Of all the video footage they could record...why didn't they record the Duck Hunt Dog =[

Clipping issues?

I loved reading how far people were going trying to disprove it. Most of it was "the interface is different here compared to how it was in the conference demo!" People always have to be so decided about things rather than just waiting to see. Its pretty hard to falsify this so I'm sure they feel a little foolish.

No plans to get a PS4, but I have been considering switching my PS3 to an SSD. While I welcome the speed boost, the thing I'm more interested in is the drive lifespan. HDD will inevitably fail at some point in time. As a game collector, I like to be able to play systems even 20-30 years later. At some point that

"But I wasn't interested enough to read the articles " Therein lies your problem...ALS donations have gone up significantly since the ice bucket challenge. I get what you are saying and it has some truth to it. But the bottom line is that more people are donating than before and more people are googling ALS to

I think there's a social pressure to it more than anything.

"Sell 25 million copied for $39.99 or 4 million copied at $59.99."

Lol! You say that as if there will be no sales for the second platform it releases for. If you can't see how ridiculous that premise is, we are done here.

Why would the install base matter? A sale is a sale and between two months time it doesn't really make that much of a difference which sales happen first. If anything the Wii U version would bring in more money per sale at the higher price point. If they released on the Wii U first, they could have attracted more

In one hand I would say they should have done the WiiU first since it would push more people to buy the Wii U because they can't wait for it. But in another hand the 3DS version won't be quite as stunning as the WiiU version. It will have lower resolution, worse controls, and less content due to space differences.

Reminds me of that one game

What is even going on here.

I always got my Mew from under the delivery truck like everyone else.

Sounds cool...but naming it Chess 2 seems a bit entitled, as if it is some official sequel to chess.

Looks like a troll comment, but shitty...

This is a lot more entertaining than Fish Plays Pokemon. Plus he's using more active fish so that helps.

If they wanted to pick a sexy outfit they could have gone with the one from the Metroid 1, 2, or super. They picked the one that is actually similar to common sports clothes. You are being oversensitive.


High heels...with fucking rocket boosters!

Its a alternate costume...not a defining "characteristic of her as a person and character"

Most of the comments I see are people complaining that its not how she was supposed to be even though its been that way since her conception. People can call it sexist or whatever they like...but don't pretend its some new outrageous thing.