
You don't have to agree with the rules, you know that right? Imagine what today would be like if everyone thought like that.

You're right, he should stay in line or be shot like the dog he is. /s


Your customers statistically mean and worthless? Let me know how that new PR mantra goes for you guys.

I wanna be one of them VR fellers =[

An open world pokemon snap sounds kinda cool...but I think I would miss the old rail shooter format. I think mostly because I'm a sucker for rail shooters, but additionally because it added that sense of urgency to get the right shots or trigger the right events.

Looks like normal size to me

As a kid, we made up our own terminology...as far as I'm concerned that's the only right thing to do. "Minifigure scale" sounds like of silly anyways...How can the default size be mini? Sounds dumb.

I was going to post this too =]

I feel like the "Mario's an asshole to yoshi" card has been overplayed...this video was a refreshing and touching take on it.

Now playing

Every time I'm reminded of Madden's existence I kind of zone out and think about the shitload of money moving around during production and initial consumer purchases....all to spiral down into a bargain bin for $3.

This isn't really madden's fault or anything new...the clutter of unwanted sports games continues to

They were kind of a rare treat back then...but like most treats they are best in moderation.

Blizzard really has always been great at putting together awesome cinematic trailers...I remember being so amazed by the videos in Starcraft and Warcraft III when I was younger. Have to give some proper credit to square though too...FF has had pretty awesome 3d cinematic videos since VII.

First you must fiknd yoursf...then you will know peace

Well said..I do the same but then I'll watch othet endings online for the what ifs.

more like pong than I expected. Consider me excited

I would laugh it off too, but I browse this site on my breaks at work...not good =[

I feel that it is important to be able to recognize at least a general difference between Korean, Chinese, and Japanese characters. That's rule one in spotting bootlegs...

Wow that looks slick. Even if you aren't a CoD fan.

Sure, whatever you say.