
That speed is relative to the characters presumed size in contrast to the world they are in. To compare real speed, they should calculate how long it takes a background object to travel from one end of the screen to the other. I can guarantee the sonic moves faster in game...Trying to introduce real world logic into

To those saying "Why not just ignore/skip the article if you don't like the videos??"

I clicked an article titled "I'd forgotten How Bad The Animated TMNT Movie Was". Nowhere in that did it say "Cinema Sins: TMNT".

Some people like this shit, other people don't. Be prepared for people that don't like it to say they

Lazy troll bait man...

Doesn't come out for another two months...I'm not expecting a demo, but if I was I'd expect it closer to a month from release. I do agree though that Nintendo should put up demos more often in general.


This is really hard to play unless you use a controller. I was able to use GlovePIE with my 360 controller using this script:

Keys.Space = Pressed(XInput1.Start)
Key.W = XInput.Joy1Y >.33
Key.D = XInput.Joy1X >.33
Key.S = XInput.Joy1Y <-.33
Key.A = XInput.Joy1X <-.33
Keys.U = Smooth(XInput1.RightShoulder)
Keys.I =

My understanding is that it would be a licensing nightmare... I only actually picked up a copy of Jump Super Stars, but I've played Ultimate and BS:DON through other resources. Definitely fun games those outside of Japan missed out on sadly.

For sure!

I also thought of those games when I read the header...realizing as I clicked the link that Sora of course wasn't in DON. Also those games lack the primary mechanic of smash with is the increasing knockback effect that results in the KOs

It doesn't have to be black and white you know.

Reminds me of the masturbation machine in THX-1138. No matter how much you "domesticate" mankind...you still have to satisfy the natural urges.

They both look stupid...but with the OR, you don't see the stupid gun.

I've got the horn a few times in first place. I feel like the blooper has more potential in MK8 than it did in the past...but even still its kind of random how bad the splotch ends up being. I kind of like the coin because it makes you gamble when you give up that banana shield in hopes of something better.

It should make it better

The error is worse than that...Columbus was an Italian working for the Spanish He called them Indios, which was the Spanish name for Indians (of India).

I haven't play S2 yet either but it's worth noting it has completely different writers.

I really enjoyed the first season and I'm looking forward to playing the second....but something bothers me about fragmenting a game into seasons and episodes. Maybe it's just a telltale sign that I'm getting old and dumb.

Anyways...I'll wait to buy the whole second season all at once.

No it isn't

This discussion is longer than it needs to be. Link is his default name, but you can change it. That's it...there's no secret message behind it. And it's not something special or uncommon at all...as you pointed out you can rename characters in many other games. But no one is going to start calling Cloud or Link by

Maybe I'm crazy...but I've never been able to wrap my head around what is so confusing about consensual and non-consensual sex. I consider myself generally bad at reading other people at times...but in cases of sexual interaction it isn't rocket science. It takes two to tango...when one person is tangoing and the