
I can't say with good conscience that Super Mario Kart has honestly held up that well over the years. I think it's service to gaming can be honored without pretending it is better than it's successors.

So if they cherry picked from Anita's cherry picking...and now you are cherry picking from this particular video as if its the only counter point ever offered to Anita's work...how many cherry's are we left with? Sounds like we've just wrecked a perfectly good cherry tree.


Agh the video quality is almost unbearable. =[

Even if someone doesn't get hurt...these swat team guys go into these situations have no idea if someone will try to kill them in the next room. They have to take all of these cases seriously. I hope the prankster is severely reprimanded as well.

According to Miyamoto, the Mario series characters are like a troupe of actors similar to the Looney Toons or Popeye. They are capable of being portrayed in many ways (ie. Doctor Mario, Racing Mario, Golfing Mario, etc..).

It bothers me that he looks at the camera instead of towards the person he just hit. I realize they want to capture his facial expression but its done at the expense of what makes the death stare funny.

Awe sweet...a cheap small tracking device. What could go wrong?!

Creative bankruptcy at its best...

Crossbow guy in the bottom right isn't shy

Tripping didn't prevent wavedashing...Taking out directional air dodging in brawl is what killed wave dashing. But there's a lot more to competitive play than wavedashing. Those guys would wipe the floor with players like me or you even without wavedashing.

Good luck using q-tips to clean the cartridge slot inside of your NES (which is the purpose of this device). A credit card and cloth works a bit better for that...but honestly it would be a lot more convenient to have something like this so you wouldn't have to take your NES apart...especially if you are a 40 year

I think Flower deserves some sort of honorable mention...I think I spent an alarming amount of time whisping around with no purpose before I realized there was actually an objective.

What the hell is this? I hope you choke on dog shit.

One of my favorite Atari 2600 games is Fast Food. Simple but very fun.

As long as the new star fox has a non-motion control alternative to what was described and a new Pokemon Snap comes out, all my dreams will come true.

A little too recent for a remake...maybe you were kidding though.

Its a Rail Shooter....with a bunch of secrets to find in the levels. If you never played it, it is worth your time. If not, calm down and look for something else to enjoy instead of something to hate =]

Boogerman. I'd like to think I don't care what others like/dislike...but somehow I was still saddened when I discovered how many people out there really didn't like Boogerman as it found it's way back in the spotlight with the remake campaign. Regardless, I will still love the game for all of its great artwork,

Regular speed runs and TAS are two totally different things with two very different purposes. If you only need the amount of time and effort that goes into building a good TAS, you might appreciate it more. Try watching one for something like Mario 64 knowing that someone sat at their computer for tens or hundreds