
Im sure both sides will be properly represented and no liberties will be taken!

———Dunkey’s joke comment———-

Clearly, his real name is Yamcha. “If I wear this cool armor, I can win fights too!” Taken out in 10 seconds.

Holy good God, what was that? I feel like I just read a page from the Necromonicon.

I didn't make a connection between queerness and misogyny. I made a connection between characteristics we are born with and characteristics we later display. This cannot be offensive unless you are choosing purposefully to not understand it.

Or the far more logical comparison of Team Fortress 2.

No, it isn't "the same damn ethics problem" and it's sad that you can't tell the difference between a personality and journalist. Good day, sir.

"How long is your game?" That used to be the tough one. That used to be the question a video game creator could

Wouldn't a study finding no correlation still be an argument FOR gun control?

Well I'm bored of people like you seeming to think that not representing 51% of the population and 49% of gamers is a good idea.

Lucina is honestly one of the least cool characters in video games— and certainly not relevant. Easily the worst not-announced so far. May God have mercy on their souls for announcing Lucina.

You don't get paid to pay games, you pay to play them. You and everyone else has paid to have access to the game and you "playing rough" just shows that you think your money and entertainment should come at the cost to someone else.