
Cite your sources that show western pirating of anime is what has put anime on a downward spiral economically.

If anything, with services like Crunchyroll so popular now, we’re better off on that front than we have been in many years.

I dunno. I don’t like the sounds of this personally.

Regardless of what sparked Gamergate, the collective group is now an amorphous blob that houses good and bad (much like any online group without strict requirements for membership.)

I could absolutely care less about Zoe or any person’s personal life insofar as

A person can have a toxic personality. Granted, “toxicity” and “Antifun” are way overused buzz words in League’s history to oversimplify a number of important subjects in such a hugely popular game and I cringe when I hear them too, but it’s not “wrong” to call someone toxic.

Thing is though, despite his behavior, he typically plays to win (and does rather well.) Nobody said he should be exempt from the rules, but it sounds like you have a personal bias in the matter.

He got a 2 week suspension. If the account is banned, he’d be on a new account. There are players, without YouTube’s aid,

It’s totally a reason. It just might not be justification, if you interpret it as pandering. That said, it’s a pretty obvious tie-in with The End boss from Metal Gear Solid 3.

As an American, I hardly see how we’d be better off without people who desire for our country to improve. I think those who are content with it as is are the problem. Trash! Sincerely yours, Lord King Haelstrom the Great.

Clearly, his real name is Yamcha. “If I wear this cool armor, I can win fights too!” Taken out in 10 seconds.

Let's assume I do not design games, whether that's true or not.

You're telling me I (and anyone else for that matter) don't get to have opinions because we don't create the game? You understand you're on an opinion based blog site frequently offering opinions and reviews (which are opinion pieces) on games, right?


There's a fair difference between trying to make us feel part of a narrative, and telling us to hit a button to perform a mundane task.

QTEs alone have always suffered some criticisms, but you're surprised and trying to defend the use of slow time events? Nobody feels immersed into a story or feels it adds to the

A woman who automatically thinks someone's a tool for wearing a hat in a certain orientation's probably worth the price to not date, honestly.

That's .. not even English. lol

Uh. Welcome to every bipartisan government or organization ever? And no, I'm not going to discuss with Oxford how you're misinterpreting a definition of a word. I've already explained why you're not applying said definition properly. lol

You do realize there's not a single movement in existence or history where all thoughts of all members were the same, right? Are you telling me there was no difference of opinion, approach, or ideology in broader movements like rebellions? Think of how ridiculous that sounds. lol I think you're misinterpreting the

lol, alright. But read your last post out loud to yourself. Doesn't sound like you have an argument anymore, does it? "IT'S JUST HOW I FEEL"

Nations are apt analogies because they're groups of people with wildly varying ideologies. Just like movements, social or otherwise. Just like clubs. Just like websites, so on..

You share ideas with said movement. You agree with said movement. You don't have to identify with said movement to further that movement's goals or be against another, that's why neutrality is typically a falsehood. You may not identify yourself as picking sides, but you are and always will be even if in less clearly

Meme images are so good.

Anyway, yes, some individuals identifying as part of GG made death threats on women. One of the aforementioned women tried bullying other women out of making games and was caught conspiring to dox (that is, leak address/phone number/etc) the personal info of one of them simply for creating a

lol, the problem is you 'are' a part of a (social) movement. You're file rank in the feedback against GG as an event and as a supposed group, and perpetuating ridiculous notions like that all people who disagree with how this was handled are automatically misogynists.

Also, it "was" about ethics originally and still

The situations aren't the same. One got universal condemnation from the collective gaming press, the other got censorship and overzealous protection in the name of personal interests.

I give a damn about "ethics."

Your absurd campaign to repaint that whole situation as nothing but misogyny is either a disgusting lie

Keep in mind I don't find this comic terribly funny. But this sounds like obsession with originality to me. "The masses love this; it's only popular, not good! true art and talent isn't known"

Don't fret so much over what gets "undeserved" praise but instead, try to highlight and showcase the strengths of the things

ARAM (from custom game conception to live inclusion) was meant to be a for fun non-serious game mode with imbalance and nonstop teamfights.

Dominion was meant to be a siege / skirmish oriented game mode with mobility priority, and originally was given separate and fairly extensive balance changes until Riot just