Oh no, won’t somebody please think of all the generic-ass white actors who were passed up for this role in favor of John Cho?
Oh no, won’t somebody please think of all the generic-ass white actors who were passed up for this role in favor of John Cho?
You could ask a couples therapist to bring it up to her.
Jesus, they find a brand new restaurant to eat at every week? I’d be saving my money by ordering bland appetizers just like Emily.
It’s okay though, she sliced them like bread so now everyone can get a small piece of donut.
Line-reading of the week: Obviously, it’s “WHERE’S MY NIPPLE?!”
This is a mistake, and I have absolutely no confidence that this will work out well for anyone.
Do you have 30-50 people to feed but only have a budget for 12-16 bagels? Sure, go ahead and slice them like bread, Ebenezer Scrooge. Otherwise buy enough bagels for everyone.
I bind you, The Craft remake
This sounds... nothing at all like the commercials on the CW are making it out to be.
Edit the review to add screenshots of his Facebook messages.
Tara’s death following the last significant character death of Jesus is really not a good look for this show. Can’t have too many LGBT folk sharing the screen, I guess.
I think the fatigue stems from the “watch all the things!” mentality that was born when there were only a handful of superhero shows to watch. Now that there are so many, it seems like it’s hard for people to let go of that and just selectively choose what they want to focus their time on. Fatigue only sets in if you…
A- ? A minus?
Agreed. It seems like a better idea to evaluate the permissions for each app and deny (or just uninstall) as needed.
Take your homemade cole slaw to the next level by replacing the mayo with poppy seed dressing. You won’t be disappointed.