Blogtor Doom

How do you update the Hiya database on Android? I’m not seeing that option anywhere.

Cat food specifically has taurine added so it’s doubtful.

... and each episode still gets a B or B+ rating.

Same here, and I love the game. I don’t need to see daily articles about it nor multiple articles per day and it’s starting to get annoying.

What if instead of two holes, I cut three holes, fill the third hole with bread dip, and then proceed to dip the bread chunks that I cut & pulled out earlier?

I mean you could always just ask your smart device what the pros are and it could literally tell you conversationally.

Don’t kid yourself, Jimmy. If a cow ever got the chance, he’d eat you and everyone you care about!


They should burn it all down & start from scratch at this point.

Jesus, this fucking patch...

Dear Salty: I went to a wonderful restaurant in Texas - the food was delicious and the service from our waitress, a pregnant mother of two, was great. However, my child took the tip I had left on the table for the waitress, hid it under a menu, and left the restaurant with it. The owner of the restaurant saw this on a

It turns out the real American Sailor Moon Pilot was the friends you made along the way!

Some of these sale prices are really inconsistent. Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is $.99 from issue 1 - 21, $1.99 from 22 - 30, but the $.99 again for issue 31 - 32. Same with Ms. Marvel: 1 - 18 are $.99, 19 - 24 are $1.99, then 25 - 28 are back down to $.99 before jumping back up to $1.99 for 29 - 30.

Some of these sale prices are really inconsistent. Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is $.99 from issue 1 - 21, $1.99 from 22