Blogtor Doom

Meh. The revenge is underwhelming, and the photos are all like


Pro tip: ignore the mustard and use horseradish instead.

Soooooooo it’s just Candle in the Wind sung on repeat for 2-ish hours with a brief intermission in the middle?

DID SOMEONE SAY [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]???

the “cantina song” is probably the best way to describe the music played in the cantina. It’s called “Cantina Band” on the official Star Wars soundtrack, and Star Wars cannon calls it “Mad About Me.”

Is your password “correcthorsebatterystaple”?

Can someone explain to me how time is supposed to work on this show? The season finale last year was clearly during winter, but the season premiere this year was in springtime, and now midseason it’s Christmas, even though every single tree in Riverdale is sporting healthy green leaves.

Seeing the exact same cloud copied/pasted in Framework 2.0 over and over was a nice visual touch. You could tell Deke never saw a real sky in his entire life.

Ah, Merriam-Webster. The same assholes who decided that the word “literally” now also means “figuratively”.

This might be the thing that finally gets me to use an unwanted Applebee’s gift card I’ve been hanging on to for a whole year.

Thanks! I didn’t get to watch Supergirl yet because I was watching Lucifer in the exact same timeslot. Not sure how you were able to do that, unless you’re just being a dick with the spoiler comment for an unrelated show.

For what it’s worth, I once used to pride myself on reading every book I pick up right through to the very end, no matter how horrible it is, and as a result I have read some very terrible books all the way through. I abandoned that personal commitment after a handful of chapters of One Second After.

3) the person in question is a recovering alcoholic and perhaps going to a bar is not a great idea, even if you expect them to just get a soft drink or water.

a clinical professor at Brown

280 characters and people on Twitter still somehow feel the need to string together a long-form essay.

The only problem with the reusable cup is that it doesn’t spawn hundreds/thousands of anti-Keurig thinkpieces.