
I will not rest until I have burned the entirety of the reality TV industry to the ground and wiped all of the world’s history records of its very existence.

As of May 20th, I will no longer be a high school teacher. I can’t stand them anymore.

“You don’t want to lose track of the fact that she’s a high school student and she and her friend were clearly taken advantage of,” Shamansky told the New York Times.

Because for some people everything is racist.

I am not one who usually complains about being overly PC, because that charge is usually thrown out by conservatives and libertarians to shut down criticism of their own wacky ideas rather than engage in a discussion. But in this case you are being overly PC. Much of 19th and early 20th century literature is saturated

“Reminder: Rudyard Kipling Was a Racist Fuck and The Jungle Book Is Imperialist Garbage.”

Seems like a strange, snarky, way to basically roll your eyes at women who live better lives than you do.

Yeah, I had to look twice too. I think we’re seeing a swim cap, black goggles, and part of his beard.

This looks like an aside on Parks and Rec.

It’s exhausting being outraged all the time, and constantly letting perfect be the enemy of good.

anyone else just...really tired,

But is it more offensive to assume transgender people lack any sense of humor about their lives at all?

I’m 4 years older than this writer and I cannot connect with any of this. I think there is a big difference between millennials born in the ‘80s and those born in the ‘90s. My brother and I have such different world outlooks.

I had a friend try to work in the idea that Clinton was being investigated for treason after I told him why I prefered her over Sanders.

you are such a not team player, Sipowitz.

Kardashians are boring and dead in the eyes.

Somebody need a hug?

in a way that can only be categorized as “peak cis white mansplain.”