
No. I refuse to date women because they are entitled, narcissistic sociopaths. And yes you keep conflating unpaid labor and this term emotional labor. "Wah, how dare you not conform and believe what I tell you!"

Also everything you’ve linked conflates unpaid and emtional labor (what is this)

Boners are involved how?

You’re once again conflating unpaid work and emotional labor leading to my confusion of wtf emotional labor is.

Its as if, because you’re a woman, I’m supposed to disregard my experience. Female entitlement will never cease to amaze me. Its disney princess syndrome, an entire generation of women who have been told they’re princesses since day one to the point that they believe it. A bunch of spoiled brats who have been handed

The overwhelming female experience seen through a filter. The moment I see a woman do something other than watch reality tv and spend other peoples money (the main reason I refuse to date anymore) I might believe you. But this does not get into what the hell is emotional labor...the atlantic article was about chores,

Yeah, peoples experience, in my house hold and every household I knew growing up, the bpys did all the work because girls weren’t supposed to work. I’m pretty sure my sisters have never done a chore in their life. Also sociology is a degree for peolle that are incapable of getting a degree in something that actually

POC societies have been incredibly patriachal for thousands of years without any help from white men...if you think this has something to do with needing someone to kick you are very misguided.

Really? Bexause Asian, African, and Arab cultures were and are incredibly patriachal wothout any help from white men.

Hoo boy alot to unpack there. Very assumption based with no basis in fact. Absolutely none of that is ever expected of anyone and I would argue its the burden of men to do the majority of things mentioned in that article.


I meam have you followed the trump campaign?

Did you really claim that its not a common word? Where do you live exactly?

Its a swimming cap...

I just turned 30 my brother is 24 and my sister 26. Whenever I hear them talk about views and experiences regarding relationships, friendships, college (especially college) I just sit there like whaaaat? Is five years really make that much of a difference?

They weren’t of voting age in 2008...no seriously.

There was that teenage Lesbian couple earlier this year. I believe it was in Arizona, happened in the high school.

For the record you are absolutely not allowed to have personal weapons on military bases.

I don’t give a fuck about her or you either. I hope that treatment is a healthy dose of lethal injection. You should find some poorly made drugs to OD on or something.

Looks like a prequel to a New Hope. But is every lead going to be a British woman?