
no you didn’t. Here is the first sentence: “In United States labor law, a hostile work environment exists when one’s behavior within a workplace creates an environment that is difficult or uncomfortable for another person to work in due to discrimination”

Now the key phrase you are ignoring “one’s behavior within a

It would be to me, but that is not the definition you posted. Okay?

apparently you are a doctor that has never heard of genetics or environment.

the guy is scum, but that literally is not the definition of hostile work environment per your link. I mean the definition was in the first line.

Only thing worse than torture are those that still think it results in reliable intelligence

“What possible grounds does he have to sue the strip club??”
-Employers are typically responsible for actions done by employees in the course of their employment

Not to mention in a strip club the bouncers are very quick to toss any guy that the strippers are upset with.

“and the totally self-blindness that makes these guys think that they look TOTALLY like they did in their 30s”

Hasn’t he actually gone mostly blind? 

some people appear to think so...

but how do all of your smoke alarms go dead at the same time?

“If you’re like me, reading this news has left you absolutely terrified.”

Hopefully most people aren’t like you then.  

“As for Conway, I’ve also already shared my opinion on that: Those who cite Breed’s past votes that aligned with Lee’s (which, as this argument goes, basically means she was doing Conway’s bidding), are presuming that she would on becoming mayor be Conway’s puppet”

This is just nonsense. How can anyone claiming to be

not sure how you can agree to disagree about the legal titles of the positions? Facts do still matter.

“Jackson also encouraged frequent hand washing and carrying around disinfectant wipes.”
Just make sure they are alcohol and at least 60%, otherwise those wipes probably won’t do anything.

On the other hand, I don’t think I’ve ever been to Monterrey when it wasn’t cold enough to warrant a heater

I do think that people eat many things because they make it seem like a fancy occasion, so I didn’t mean to sound too snarky, but a lot of people do enjoy caviar for what it is. Good thing is that if you do enjoy it you quickly learn how to find quality producers at much more reasonable prices.

you haven’t watched people eat straight from the jar then...and try to lick the empty jar when nobody was looking

“caviar isn’t such a treat that anyone eats it for the taste”
Must not know any Russians. We have it monthly at least...for the taste. 

“ I don’t know how the monarchy works”
And also, you don’t know anything about Markle so, why even post? 

for you I’ll just stop at “learn to read”