
I mean why address the actual issues when we can confine ourselves to straw-women.

Do people not know that there are usually at least two roast options at Starbucks, or do I just go to better ones?

Glad you found a way to live in a completely black and white binary world.

I would agree that contrasting perceptions from both sides could be useful. Sometimes what people think is happening is far from reality. In fact we’d probably find (for example if it had been video taped) that both recollections are far from perfect. That said, I would only be in favor of disclosing his identify as

Who’s backtracking? Who’s reading an awful lot into a post? I could also post sarcastic comments on the entire concept of “thinkpieces” or my shock at a Millennial having heard of the OED. Maybe you are a thought leader of your generation?

Does she consider Pirates of the Caribbean historical?

you may have read hundreds of comments on the subject, but apparently not all of them in this particular thread

I was being a bit facetious, but I do think clear communication is important in any setting particularly sexual ones.

on the other hand, “chill” to “Grace’s” demographic means sex e.g., Netflix and Chill.

“present Grace’s story for what it is—a starting point to discuss the ways consent can feel blurring, no matter how clear we might wish it were, and our lack of language to describe this”

This is a valuable conversation and could have occurred in a better written piece. I also think a discussion about the blurred

These “victims” are the same ones who make a turn into a lake just following their GPS

maybe you just parsed thoughtlessly

Jamie Lee wrote an article on HuffPo in support of her noting that she confided in her a couple years ago (which suggests she didn’t know before then).

wouldn’t that be the opposite of etiquette though?

“Williams’ movies have on average brought in more money.”

How can you say that with a straight face?
10 seconds on box office mojo will tell you this isn’t true

Michelle Williams: total gross: $799.2 million, average $27.6 million per film

Wahlberg: total gross $2.9 Billion, average $70.7 million per film

Then you must be annoyed with the makers of this film since they not only hired him under the presumption that he woudl be a big draw but agreed to pretty sweet contractual terms like the co-star approval.

Are you really comparing a business decision with Mel Gibson’s racist tirades?

Same agent or same agency? There is a mile between those two.

Seeing how little the SFPD has prioritized any criminal investigations, it is a wonder that this was necessary. Or maybe they only charge people who walk into the door and make admissions.

except that if she wanted to apologize she should have contacted Dylan directly, not this open letter business. [ok I just hate open letters]