
I think you are in the back-country because nobody can stand your company. You have poser written all over your comments.

yeah, but they were already paid for their work as part of the principle photography. This was essentially a new job so it doesn’t matter what they were paid for the last one.

seems like an emotional response for a Vulcan

I don’t know why we should expect people to work for free. Maybe he theoretically did offer to do for free but before contract signing his business manager found him and said “are you insane?”

Why are artists always expected to be more altruistic than other workers?

None of this changes the fact that Michelle should

“So it’s more that Williams tried to accommodate the studio (which is noble given the reason for the reshoots) while Wahlberg bent them over a barrel for everything he could.”

Why is it noble? or spun around, why is demanding pay ignoble? Neither of them were responsible for the reshoots. The studio is hoping to profit

Yeah, it sounds more like Mark and his agent said “no movie without re-shoots....let’s ask for a big chunk of cash”. Either Michelle had bad representation or thought that everyone was going to be altruistic. She certainly could have gotten more money if the studio was pressed.

I’m glad I’ve never run into anyone as insufferable on a trail

not only that, but what Europeans consider sexual harassment is vastly different than in the US

Or it could also be a different cultural attitude in Europe vs. the U.S. Having spent a lot of time there and having a lot of European friends, they are more than a little perplexed by some of this.

starred for the rational reasonable comment even though I love Starbucks.

you do realize they are replacing an existing kiosk that already had paper cups.

On the plus side, with your nose so high up in the air it must be really easy to see the peaks in the park.

I’m not sure an unnamed rumor is an “allegation”

As someone from San Francisco, I don’t get the obsession with having Harris run.

That’s correct. It was traditionally a place for careers to go and die. They drug TR kicking and screaming because both thought it was a way to sideline him.

People who pretend to have royal titles despite there being no recognized nobility in that country are insufferable. I met an Iranian who has “prince” on his business cards.

I see some pun specialists in this thread

If you look at TMZ cited by this piece (can’t believe I’m referencing that), Stallone’s lawyer said “Stallone WILL file a complaint requesting she be investigated for filing a false police report.”

Which is not quite the same thing as Stallone being a personal prosecutor of some kind 

Important to note, as usual, the author of the article on Jez misrepresents what was said...even TMZ was more accurate.

Humm...it really isn’t like Rich to completely miss the point of something. Oh wait...