
If she is Jewish then her genetic ancestry is most definitely Asian.

Many doctors take a practical approach of weighing the risks of high stress vs. an occasional drink and the drink usually comes out on top.

there may be a genetic component, but it is also clear that most of the research is focused on essentially alcoholics that drink heavily during pregnancy. In another case of dose makes the poison, there is little data on outcomes for people having an occasional drink while pregnant.

maybe because drinking even excessively is not the same as Alcoholism?

wait, did I say somewhere that I was revealing secrets?

I never commented on “thousands of Prince fans” just Rich’s usual ignorance. People can’t seem to separate the two though.

thanks for reinforcing my original point, which is basically everyone’s interaction with you, internet tough person in someone’s basement.

Man if that pisses you off so much just wait until I note that Prince was a Jehovah’s witness whose fear of transfusions apparently didn’t extend to a fear of opioids! Or maybe this really shouldn’t be an issue of a pissing contest between which artist was better?

I generally don’t answer rude comments masquerading as honest questions

“What the fuck does that have to do with the criticism?”

You always seem so angry. You need a kitten. 



Yup you are confused. LOOK THOSE ARE YOUR OWN WORDS...derp

I’m sure you are attempting to find a point with your word salad, but apparently it is only clear if you wear a thick layer of tin foil

Sure my words but not the ones you originally referred to. You are going to great lengths to either be argumentative or to die on the hill of misreading.
But let me spell it out for you slowly.
Your words were: “Performers don’t choose their Super Bowl songs “on a whim” they are carefully planned out. “

Note the use of

amazing you managed to avoid the actual portion you were commenting on before. So strike two.

so are your concerns qualitative or quantitative?

maybe re-read the comment you are replying to and try again?

Mostly I only commented to mock Rich who usually deserves it, but the stars suggest that most think the response against Timberlake is an overreaction. I’d also note that tributes, like funerals, are for the living not the dead. They may have missed the mark on what the fans wanted, but I don’t think Prince’s comments

digital ghost? really?

Good points.

you seem to be confusing context and excuses