
What? States have rules of evidence too.

“ETA: When prosecutors give their opening statements in criminal trials, guess how often they use the word allegedly? How often do you think indictments use the word allegedly?”

Prosecutors have immunity from slander during criminal proceedings.  

Fair enough. I guess I just see it as creepy but not illegal to go after people far younger but of legal age. To each his own on that front (though this particular case presents power dynamic issues when they are actors trying to get into the business). A history of rumors about underage people would be a completely

“I’d also suggest that the collapse had more than a bit to do with eight decades of reactionary capitalists trying at every turn to kill socialist leaders and undermine revolutionary politics.”

Sure, you can suggest that, but that would be wrong.  

I don’t think the point of current Russians is a romantic love for the Romanovs, it is just a cultural connection to what was Russian identity lost in the Soviet times and immediate aftermath.

when was “eventually”? The famine in ‘32 killed millions.

I’m not sure how dramatic that improvement in quality of life was for the 20 million who died under Stalin, or those that suffered in the Gulags. Stalin alone was responsible for more deaths than the entire history of the monarchy.

young as in minors or just going after younger dudes?

yeah we need to address sexual assault and harassment, but exaggerating allegations doesn’t help anyone 

LOL. What drives me nuts is when I spot a typo after the edit window passes...it just grates and grates.
Happy Halloween to you too!

the edit functions here are abysmal. sorry!

so you are saying that WS employs hundreds of people across the country to create frame ups for his victims in order to have damaging information down the road if he needs it?

so you are equating publishing a public photograph with numerous state and local crimes that would need to occur for your conspiracy to be a success?

so the plan was to discredit her after the damage was done rather than before it? Great plan.

You are forgetting that there was no reason to believe in February that the article would lead to toppling Weinstein. Post hoc fallacy at a minimum.

so someone “all but naming” a year ago caused a conspiracy to form to plant drugs on a bag of hers she will leave behind on an airplane at the earliest opportunity? You watch too many movies.

“if no one entered it into the database before” 
Where does it say it wasn’t entered before?

wouldn’t you still be in “possession” of the drug powder?

those agricultural dogs (usually beagles) are totally different from drug dogs. And yes, bringing in a potted plant is actually a very big deal.

“But wouldn’t the average prosecutor consider this case not worth the taxpayers money and time.”

That is why there is a difference between an arrest warrant and the filing of charges in court.