
“How hard would it be to put not an actual quantity of narcotics but just a trace of them on a piece of lost luggage?”

Well, first they need a time machine, so pretty hard. 

yeah, but the issue isn’t whether or not there were rumors about him being gay. Who cares about that being a secret or not. The only relevant “open secret” (can we destroy this oxymoronic phrase?) is whether or not his history of forcing himself on others/underage.

because if they are already into production they probably have a lot of contracts in place. Pulling it now would be quite expensive.

as for “and too much art imitating life” I fondly remember the real life instances of pushing people down the White House stairs. 

honestly, given the hot mess that was season 5, I’m surprised there is even a season 6.

Murry seems to be playing on the same plea in the last Jez article on Louis CK for people to come forward...just like this article does. Given the history, why anyone would come forward to Jez is beyond me.

“Who stops an ambulance? Uhh people doing their jobs”

Let me fix that for you:
“Who stops an ambulance? Uhh assholes”

how about ban all religion?

I agree, but it is also, “we’d better give a good reference so that he doesn’t sue us for unlawful termination.” My company never fires anyone...we allow people to resign and help them find another job so that there can never be a claim against us.

to be fair, Oliver Stone has long gone off the rails of sanity.

no, he’s allowed to delete them because his government is dysfunctional.

Ok, enough trying to wrestle with linguistics. Thanks for the interesting discussion!

As a good lawyer, I always see a mile of maybes in a wiggle word like “*may* not be enforceable”. I agree their focus was on ethics of negotiating (though if it was absolutely non enforceable it shouldn’t be ethical to negotiate it). It sounded to me like it really depended on how it was worded to avoid pitfalls on

“If you don’t think one of the Weinstein Co’s attorneys, or shareholders’ attorneys (they are partially owned by Disney, who also has shares in NBC-Universal, if you didn’t know) or other representatives didn’t call Jack Dorsey’s office and say “Stop her from naming names; shut her down” – you are either incredibly

Thanks, these are interesting legal questions. I don’t do contract law so most things are a bit rusty. However, under California Law, criminal SOL is based on the date of commission of the offense. Until recently, this was 10 years for rape. Thus, technically it seems to me that she isn’t reporting a crime (though

“The United States already has its own minimum tax—one that has cost Donald Drumpf money in the past, and which the Republican Party now proposes to eliminate entirely.”

Yes, but the current AMT is objectively ridiculous.  

Since the statute of limitations had passed, wouldn’t that prohibit a current disclosure? Also, isn’t a disclosure to the public at large different than reporting to the police?

Does California have a Compounding statute?

Finally, wouldn’t the contract be void and require her to pay back the $100k + interest?

It depends on the nature of the settlement agreement. People settle things that are illegal all the time with non-disclosure clauses as part of it. If she agreed to forgo legal action in exchange for $$ and silence, then she can be held liable for breaking that agreement, which is a contract. Harvey is a POS and won’t

I agree that under the circumstances that the optics are bad, though I’m not sure what they should do to “rectify” it? They reactivated the account after follow-up review. Sounds like they followed procedures.

So you think that some high level person at Twitter specifically targetted her account (for a whole 12 hours) just to try to “silence her” for tweeting about Harvey? That is basically what she said, and yes, that is unhinged.

Should they have suspended her? I doubt it unless you can show a really egregious tweet. One of the reasons they won’t block Trump is that this tweets are newsworthy (and official government statements). Rose’s tweets on this are also newsworthy.

That said, her claiming it was some sort of conspiracy is going to make