
“based in part on the witness account of her husbands pet bird”

Except for the part where no testimony of the bird was introduced at trial for reasons that should be obvious to everyone.  

Yes, and that is at least partially why, despite the framing of the story, the parrot testimony was not introduced at trial.

I read that she hedges every chance she gets to say it is possible. The whole premise of the person offering it is that it is possible. Past lives are bullshit, why couldn’t you clearly see that?

Thanks for all the straw men. Dream therapy and psychoanalysis have nothing to do with a) past lives or b) false memory implantation. You are one to complain about someone “not reading”

apparently, like me, you are an idiot for not knowing that souls can split...so they can both be reincarnations of Hitler at the same time! Shows you!

the only one being an asshole here is you. Tell me, which past life gave you these asshole qualities?

so you have a citation to a professional organization specifically describing past lives as real? Oh you don’t do you?

Does any psychological association endorse the concept of past lives? Does any psychological association recommend implanting false memories? These people should not be able to hold themselves out as a licensed therapist anymore than a person promoting homeopathy should hold themselves out as a doctor, which by the

You will never break the cycle of reincarnations with that attitude.

clearly you don’t have any past lives then or you would know the past smelled terrible.

they figured out in 3000 BC that there weren’t enough souls to cover all the people then living? Citation please.

A for “trolling” you are the one responding to my comments. You could have passed by and left your woo to yourself.

oh look I smell my life in the middle ages. Is the whole world made of shit?

Where am I getting it? From the fact that they didn’t know math well enough at the time groups came up with reincarnation to understand that it doesn’t work. So later they add in new concepts to try to make it work. It isn’t rocket scientist.

The difference is that I don’t charge people money for my inconsistencies.

was that term of endearment inspired by an old soul or a new soul?

which past life made you so angry?

until you find out you are the reincarnation of Hitler.

“There’s also the idea of new souls, old souls, and so on.”

In other words, it is completely made up in an ad hoc manner once the inconsistencies of the original idea are pointed out.  

But only as long as those experiences in life don’t make your heart heavier than a feather.

I mean, does it take a thorough reading to understand that you are gullible?

Oh no literary license for effect (clutches pearls). I could have left out that sentence and it wouldn’t change anything.