
Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know there were levels of standing for bullshit.

But that’s why I haven’t learned much from my Roman Centurion past life...I don’t understand Latin.

Here’s another scenario:
I went into to my Scientology auditing session with a healthy dose of skepticism and doubt. But my e-meter results and the interpretation offered by the adherents was a deep experience of self realization that relieved a lot of anxiety. Nobody should mock my new devotion to Scientology.

a) because those that fleece people of their money should be ridiculed
b) because the more woo one believes in the more likely they will believe in other woo and boom anti-vaxer.

at least she is aware that it is all made up and uses this to circumvent a fraud claim...”hey it doesn’t matter if any of it is real, the message is what matters”

I think you are required to have no moral compass and a great desire for money. Basically, a wall street type.

agreed, not the least of which because it doesn’t look like Mnuchin has a creative bone in his body.

I’m not sure why Notaro thinks an EP would be in the writers’ room on any series.

But I don’t think he’s ever tried to be a progressive. I think the author is likewise wrong to call him a “conservative republican”. He’s pretty moderate which means it probably pisses off both side. If you look at issues like climate change and education, Arnold is pretty far left.

“If the celebration of Romney’s statement irritates, it’s because the president’s racism isn’t particularly new, nor is his alignment with groups that identify as white supremacists. The list is long and sadly familiar; his fantastically racist world is one in which immigrants are murderers and rapist and one where

Sure way to ruin my day...I previously hadn’t known Peggy Olson was a Scientologist. Sigh.

really though, is it any more far fetched than any religion? Say if you had never heard of any religion and they each explained their beliefs how would you not say all of them sound equally nuts?

She was a Manhattan family court judge form 1982-1996. You keep the title even if you retire.

good thing I lost my wi-fi password. ba-dum-tss

well it depends on whether the proceedings require actual notice or if constructive notice is sufficient. Typically, real estate foreclosure actions use notice by publication in the local paper of record.

If I was the owner, I’d park a shitty moter home on the Terrace and live there

of course, for much of the last century or two Slavs were not really considered white regardless of skin tone. Ask Hitler.

“Essentially, the new standard to immigrate to the USA is already being wealthy and English-speaking.”
Though to be fair, isn’t that the standard in most countries [substituting native language]?  

nice attempt at being a PETA apologist. We all know that there is no other option than to put down many unadopted animals in shelters. However, PETA’s record is much worse than other shelters. It’s like they want to see how fast they can euthanize animals rather than have them suffer the indignity of being adopted.


Lawyers represent clients on both sides of issues. That is what they do. Unless you think accused folks don’t deserve any legal representation, who she has or has not represented shouldn’t be relevant to her character. Regardless, the clients who you would see as the victims of abuses far outweigh her other clients.

yes but many people do both. Also spam. Or emails between co-workers not about business like “want to get lunch today?”. I’m sure out of my millions of work emails I have a similar number of non work related emails that would not be produced in response to a discovery request.