
Why would an accomplice confess if there was no evidence? If there is evidence, then it probably would also apply to the defendant.

It is hard to say what the exact evidence was without looking at the specific cases. However, if the only evidence of the identity of the offender was the testimony of the accomplice, how would they know that the person was an accomplice? If there isn’t evidence to support that the defendant and the witness are

You would have thought that if she wanted the Feds involved they might have reached out to them directly rather than just telling the SFPD no charges? Also, while FRE 404 is broader, I doubt these cases (12) were being brought where the only source of evidence was accomplice testimony. The California rule only says

popular and powerful are not the same thing

ok, but you would be mistaken

Then never got them under her predecessor and haven’t been using them since. And the convictions that federal prosecutors got for cases she wouldn’t act on were also retaliation?

BTW, absent my other issues with her DA tenure, I agree with her not going after sex workers.

No I’m talking about all the cases where she wouldn’t charge murder suspects so the police actually had to get Ramey warrants (20 times in her first two years). I’m talking about the many low sentence plea deals she signed off on for murder defendants. I’m talking about how local police had to go to federal

she couldn’t be bothered to prosecute murder suspects either though.

Since there is no way that the Democrats will be the majority party next year, it is impossible for Harris to lead a committee. If we are lucky in 2018 and take control, the important committee chairs will go by seniority, i.e., the most senior senator in the majority party on the committee is chair. Junior senators

What makes Kamala Harris kick ass? I’ll wait until she actually does something of substance...something she couldn’t muster as DA in San Francisco.

yes, but it is not good to have two Senators from the most populous state at the bottom of the seniority list.

so in an undercover operation you are going to get cops to agree to be naked and defenseless on a massage table why they try to prompt a solicitation? In most places you need to prove an offer of sex in exchange for money. Which usually means they have to actually witness the transaction. Prostitution per se is not

before assuming that the cops are paid off (and maybe some are), how do you think they can easily bust them for prostitution?

It doesn’t mean they didn’t know, but it is very hard to bust them generally and resource priorities elsewhere are often greater

because it is very hard to catch them in the act of solicitation

these are theoretical ranges assuming that they can actually get an ICBM to reenter the atmosphere without breaking apart, assuming they can target it, and assuming they have even miniaturized a nuke enough to put inside it.

The best defense though is that we can blow up the missile before it is launched.

I’m not speaking to the relative risks to others, just to the usual false bluster of NK on just about everything. This is yet another bid for attention and perhaps foreign aid.

a crazy uncle with 15-20 nukes

NK has no capability of striking the US mainland. It is probably all bluster. But if it isn’t, his target will be South Korea or Japan and hopefully we can shoot down any missiles.