
some drug is what I have in mind as well. This is not how hypnosis works.

It is real, but this is not how it works. No form of hypnosis alone will cause you to do anything you do not want to do. Maybe there were drugs involved.

sure, if you lack reading comprehension and fail to go beyond the headlines. Ignorance and poor reasoning are not actionable.

You are obviously not a lawyer with this nonsense. There was nothing false in the story.

Me: “I’m tired of comic book movies”
AL: “It is starring Jessica Chastain”
Me: “Shut up and take my money!”

Well if it was tempered glass, like most furniture...

Lol, I was just going to say “hack six: buy a horse”

It isn’t appropriation, it is just an embarrassment to ballet.

It was probably a suicide to get away from Pence.

yes, though since the murder case was premised on the existence of the assault (i.e., to show her reasonable fear of imminent danger) it pretty much ends that case for similar reasons.

thanks for the article. Unfortunately, he probably has a pretty good case on the murder charge. It would be really hard to establish that he intended for her to fall to her death. Manslaughter is closer, but would require a level of forseeability that she would take that course of action to escape (which is basically

I think they could have gotten a conviction for false imprisonment. You have a 190 minute recording of her pleading to be let go. What jury wouldn’t convict on that?
Assault may have been harder because the recording seems to suggest she is throwing things at him but not specifically him hitting her...and sadly, the

Was he actually charged with anything other than murder or manslaughter though? I mean if they didn’t think they could prove she couldn’t just leave then how did they expect to tie his acts to her death? Are lawyers in AUS as bad as US ones?

my bad, I’m sure they still wear the funny wigs. Doesn’t really change anything though.

well maybe the Crown should have charged him with assault and false imprisonment. It is directly on the video.

It seems there were lots of things he should have been charged with based on the story including assault and false imprisonment. I don’t know the UK system. However, they were making a stretch to charge murder.

that highly depends on the school. Some schools just have private security. Others have sworn officers detailed to the school.

You forget we are talking about Silicon Valley here

It is interesting in that he seems to identify the problem but decides the correct course of action is the one least likely to do something to remedy the problem.

and even if it got you an interview...what then?