
Since men are well known for sticking their penis in any available inanimate object, I’m proud to see this important step toward gender equality.

says the person afraid of “chemicals”

also not changed: issues of wealth of candidate or spouse and not wanting to release tax returns. She got hurt immensely by her husband’s initial refusal, discovery of significant wealth, and her excusing not providing them because “you know what it is like” to live with Italian men.

I do think it came off as patronizing, but I’m not sure that is what he meant by it. I think he would have used the same tone to a male opponent. Having spent huge portion of his career focusing on foreign relations I can easily imagine him wanting to lecture a three term congresswoman with little or no foreign policy

It was appropriately called “foreverware” and used uranium (on purpose).

But is culturally associated a protected class?

I wouldn’t call that “immutable” You aren’t born with dreadlocks and could choose not to have them.

There are competing important principles. 1) that we won’t let you make hiring decisions based solely on something immutable about the candidate and 2) in free enterprise people have the choice of who to hire. There is

I think it also means it is fake. I’m not expert, but I don’t think she’d have a regular passport. She’d have either an “Official” passport or a “Diplomatic” passport

I used to smile. Now I wear a suit and have a serious expression. It actually makes people treat you like you might be important.

Yeah, but does “9/11 was an inside job” sound less nutty in French?

Um you apparently don’t pay much attention to the world. It may not be the 1970's but the trope is alive and well.

Also, it doesn’t “actually” make you gay or bisexual second. Pedophilia is independent of sexual orientation (in fact most psychologists consider pedophilia to be tied to fixation on youth caused by lack

I vote for bringing back “paramour”

Well, I’d say yes and no. Limiting my discussion to San Francisco area, socialite is more generic term for people involved in high society (e.g., charity balls). The coverage, however, is skewed to the women because a lot of it is photos and fashion focused. There are only so many tuxedos to show for the men. It seems

it is socialite. It works for both. (speaking as a male socialite)

Yes, Stein should quit gaslighting.

and yet, as usual, you don’t back up your claims and provide your search string. Maybe it is you that is bad at the internet (and also bad and descriptions).

So are you aggressively informed on William Weld and his positions or do you ignore him because he has not chance of begin elected? Do you follow the dog catcher

Following Stein woudl be like following you or watching paint dry. She has not chance of wining a single electoral vote. However, The Google gives me zero results for her taking back her comments on wi-fi. But since you are the authority on all things Stein, can you tell me where? Also, does she support the green

did Stein actually apologize for pandering to anti-vaxxers? Did Stein also apologize for suggesting wi-fi causes cancer?

On the other hand, people that would otherwise vote for trump can vote for Johnson to their heart’s content. How anyone left leaning could consider a libertarian is beyond me.

Enter BIVg with the oft-repeated quote that you neither date nor put into context. Stein has years on Hillary with her anti-vaxx pandering.