
No, they have a preference for young children. There is a fair amount of actual research on this.

were those the ingredients that caused burning?

Excellent point. BBC Radio did an analysis once and determined that the murder rate in Cabot Cove was 60% higher than Honduras

I think the vast majority here seem to think it is you that doesn’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. So maybe instead of “explaining painfully obvious things” you look at your own position more critically.

“simply pointing out that a hetero male abuser would be more likely to molest girls than to stick just with males as the allegations suggest.”

How exactly does it “narrow down suspects”? Anyone that is “in the closet” is just a rumor anyway.

You are choosing to ignore the long history of linking pedophilia to gays. It is playing to this history more than helping identify the suspect.

But the two concepts are completely unconnected, so it is a non sequitur at best and nefarious innuendo at worst

When did Singer become an “a-list actor”?

Saw her about two years ago live in Blithe Spirit...I don’t think I move as well now (or am as mentally sharp) in my 30's as she did at 89

Well since they obviously didn’t mean Singer there is no reason to use that language to try to distinguish from him.

Never give unrestricted gifts, especially large ones

No, they tried to defend the expenditure by saying he would occasionally watch football at home on TV

no but one is not indicative of the other, which was the suggestion in the original text and rightly deserves to be called out. It relies on the old homophobic trope that gays are molesters.

Mock Trump, he for sure deserves all he can get, but I’m afraid these incidents make it more likely he will win by appealing more and more to the “do anything to keep us safe” crowd.

one comment to you means “I care so much” so since you have posted dozens of comments (and I take it you don’t work for Apple either) what does that mean about you?

I’m actually in favor of a professional work environment. I was merely commenting on your apparent unknowing of how far removed most silicon valley firms

nor gay couples, nor paternity leave

You must not be familiar with silicon valley, nothing about the work environment is professional

Probably because they way they can call it disability and have their insurance pay instead of the company.

In San Francisco everyone just stares at their phone and pretends they don’t see you. I’m not sure if they are selfish or just afraid of human contact

Aaannndddd my crush on Jessica Chastain continues...